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<p>Taxes are mandatory contributions paid by individuals or entities to the state, which are used to finance various development programs and public services. This study aims to analyze whether the application of e-samsat superior services has been effective in increasing motor vehicle tax revenue at UPTD PPD Samsat Maid Talaud. By utilizing information technology, e-samsat is expected to make it easier for taxpayers to make tax payments online, thereby increasing public tax compliance. The method used in this research is descriptive analysis, which includes data collection through interviews, documentation, and observation. The results showed that the implementation of e-samsat superior services has had a positive impact on increasing motor vehicle tax revenue, although there are still challenges in socialization and public understanding of this system. This research is expected to contribute to the development of science in the field of taxation and provide practical input for UPTD PPD Samsat Maid Talaud in improving the effectiveness of the tax collection system.</p>Yosua Lalombombuida, Stanley Kho Walandouw, Syermi S. E. Mintalangi
Copyright (c) 2025 Yosua Lalombombuida, Stanley Kho Walandouw, Syermi S. E. Mintalangi, 06 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0800An ANALYSIS OF VALUE ADDED TAX IMPOSITION ON VIRTUAL GOODS
<p><em>This research aims to find out how Value Added Tax (VAT) is imposed on digital goods transaction.This research uses a qualitative descriptive method by utilizing primary data and secondary data. The research results show: a) VAT collection on digital goods transactions is carried out when the transaction takes place with a tariff of 11%, and the company issues an order receipt after the transaction is successful. The Ministry of Finance specifically appointed 171 domestic and foreign companies as VAT collectors on digital goods with criteria that must be met. b) VAT payments on digital goods transactions are made every month by attaching the required files. From the results obtained, 157 companies have deposited VAT on time and experienced no delays; However, 14 collection companies were found that had not deposited VAT. c) VAT reporting on digital goods transactions is carried out quarterly by collectors by attaching files in accordance with applicable regulations. </em></p> <p><em>Keywords: Imposition of Tariffs, Virtual Goods, Value Added Tax</em></p>Milan Sumilat, Dr. Jessy D.L Warongan, SE., M.Si., Ak., CA., CWM®, Dr. Claudia W.M. Korompis, SE,MSA,Ak
Copyright (c) 2025 Milan Sumilat, Dr. Jessy D.L Warongan, SE., M.Si., Ak., CA., CWM®, Dr. Claudia W.M. Korompis, SE,MSA,Ak, 24 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0800