Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development (Jurnal Agribisnis dan Pengembangan Pedesaan)
<p><strong>Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development</strong> is a scientific publication media regarding in-depth studies and/or research results in the field of Agribusiness and Rural Regional Development. This journal is published periodically four (4) times a year, namely in January, April, July and October. The inaugural edition (Vol. 1 No. 1) was published in April 2019. This journal is published by the Department of Agricultural Social Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Sam Ratulangi University, located at the Department of Social Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, UNSRAT, Jl. UNSRAT Manado Campus 95115.</p> <p><strong>Journal title</strong> : Journal of Agribusiness (Jurnal Agribisnis dan Pengembangan Pedesaan)</p> <p><strong>Initials</strong> : AGRIRUD</p> <p><strong>Frequencies</strong> : Four times a year</p> <p><strong>DOI</strong> : Prefix <a href="">10.35791</a></p> <p><strong>ISSN</strong> : <a href="">2684-7795</a></p> <p><strong>Editor in Chief</strong> : Dr. Sherly Gladys Jocom, SP., MSi.</p> <p><strong>Publisher</strong> : Sam Ratulangi University</p>Jurusan Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sam Ratulangi, Manadoen-USJournal of Agribusiness and Rural Development (Jurnal Agribisnis dan Pengembangan Pedesaan)2684-7795Keputusan Konsumen Dalam Pembelian Sayuran Di Pasar Bahu Kecamatan Malalayang Kota Manado
<p><em>This study aims to describe the factors that determine vegetable purchasing decisions at Bahu Market, Malalayang District, Manado City. The research employs a descriptive analysis method. The collected data are described and qualitatively analyzed, presented in tabular form, and explained descriptively. Based on the results of the research, the factors determining vegetable purchasing decisions at Bahu Market, Malalayang District, Manado City, are ranked as follows: the highest is Attitude, followed by Lifestyle, Price, Quality, and the lowest is Location. Consumer attitude is the primary determining factor in vegetable purchasing decisions.</em></p>Velin SimbolonJuliana Ruth MandeiSherly Gladys Jocom
Copyright (c) 2024 Velin Simbolon, Juliana Ruth Mandei, Sherly Gladys Jocom
2024-08-292024-08-296417918810.35791/agrirud.v6i4.57523Analisis Risiko Usahatani Padi Organik Pada Kelompok Tani Mandiri Di Kelurahan Taratara Kecamatan Tomohon Barat Kota Tomohon
<p><em>This research aims to identify, assess and evaluate the main risks in organic rice farming in the Independ-ent Farmers Group in Taratara Village, West Tomohon District, Tomohon City. This research was carried out for three months from May to July 2024. The sampling method used was saturated sampling. The data used in this research is primary data by conducting a direct survey of farmer groups. Meanwhile, second-ary data was obtained from village officials. The analytical method used in this research is the Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) method and the Pareto diagram. The research results identified three main priority risk factors for the Independent Farmer Group using the fishbone diagram, FMEA, and Pareto diagram. The first factor is the competition between organic rice products and conventional products, with an RPN (Risk Priority Number) value of 12.00 and RSV (Risk Score Value) 6.00, which is assessed based on the product price. The second factor is the organic rice marketing network with an RPN (Risk Pri-ority Number) value of 8.00 and RSV (Risk Score Value) 4.00, indicating that farmer groups have not been able to expand their marketing network. The third factor is high rainy weather, with an RPN (Risk Priority Number) value of 4.00 and RSV (Risk Score Value) 4.00, which poses a risk because it cannot be predicted or controlled by farmer groups.</em></p>Devi Santa Maria LubisSherly Gladys JocomLeonardus Ricky Rengkung
Copyright (c) 2024 Devi Santa Maria Lubis, Sherly Gladys Jocom, Leonardus Ricky Rengkung
2024-08-292024-08-296418920010.35791/agrirud.v6i4.57524Pemetaan Bisnis Sabun Ecoenzym Produksi Biarawati Ekopastoral DSY Menggunakan Business Model Canvas
<p><em>This research aims to map the Ecoenzym soap business model produced by Ecopastoral Dsy nuns using the Business Model Canvas (BMC) at the Dsy Ecopastoral Center in Kawatak village, South Langowan District, Minahasa Regency. The research period was carried out for 3 months, namely from April to June 2024. The data collection method is a descriptive qualitative approach, data collection is a population survey by making direct observations at the research location and distributing prepared questionnaires. The results of the research show that based on the results of the identification, mapping and analysis of business models that have been carried out by researchers, the conclusion that can be drawn is that there are six elements of the canvas model business that need to be improvised into a new canvas business model, including customer relationships, channels, partnerships, key resources, revenue streams and value offered.</em></p>Natalia Nadia TujuMaya Hendrietta MontolaluNordy Fritsgerald Lucky Waney
Copyright (c) 2024 Natalia Nadia Tuju, Maya Hendrietta Montolalu, Nordy Fritsgerald Lucky Waney
2024-08-292024-08-296420121010.35791/agrirud.v6i4.57655Peran Modal Sosial Pada Kelompok Tani Tamporok Di Desa Klabat Kecamatan Dimembe Kabupaten Minahasa Utara
<p><em>TThis study aims to understand and describe the role of social capital in farmer groups in Klabat Village, Dimembe District, North Minahasa Regency. The research was conducted from April to June 2024. Data was collected through questionnaires, interviews, and documentation. Primary data was collected directly by the researcher through interviews and questionnaires completed by respondents, while secondary data was obtained from other parties related to the research and sourced from the village office. The research method used was descriptive analysis. The results showed that the role of social capital in the Tamporok farmer group, specifically in the variables of trust, social networks, and social norms, was categorized as very significant.</em></p>Wehelmina TogelangJane Sulinda TambasJean Fanny Juanita Timban
Copyright (c) 2024 Wehelmina Togelang, Jane Sulinda Tambas, Jean Fanny Juanita Timban
2024-08-292024-08-296421122210.35791/agrirud.v6i4.57657Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kunjungan Wisatawan Pada Objek Wisata Air Terjun Tunan Di Desa Talawaan Kecamatan Talawaan Kabupaten Minahasa Utara
<p><em>This study aims to determine the factors that influence tourist visits to the Tunan Waterfall tourist attraction in Talawaan Village, Talawaan District, North Minahasa Regency. The research method used is quantitative method, which uses Multiple Linear Regression analysis method, with Accidental Sampling technique. The instrument used in this research is a questionnaire.</em> From the t test conducted, it was found that two variables had a significant effect on tourist visits to the Tunan Waterfall tourist attraction, namely the attractiveness variable (X1), service (X4) and there were two variables that had no significant effect on tourist visits to the Tunan Waterfall tourist attraction, namely facilities (X2), accessibility (X3). From the results of the F test it is proven that the variables of attractiveness (X1), facilities (X2), accessibility (X3), service (X4) together have a significant effect on tourist visits to the Tunan Waterfall tourist attraction. The coefficient of determination is 28%, while the remaining 72% is influenced by other variables not discussed in this study such as weather factors, cost factors, promotional factors and others.</p>Regina Ceali RengkungGene Henfried Meyer KapantowMelissa Lady Gisela Tarore
Copyright (c) 2024 Regina Ceali Rengkung, Gene Henfried Meyer Kapantow, Melissa Lady Gisela Tarore
2024-08-292024-08-296422323210.35791/agrirud.v6i4.57659Analisis Pendaptan Usahatani Kubis (Brassica Oleracea L.) di Desa Tempok Kecamatan Tompaso Kabupaten Minahasa
<p><em>This study aims to analyze the income of cabbage farming in Tempok Village, Tompaso District, Minahasa Regency. The research was conducted in Tempok Village, Tompaso District, Minahasa Regency, which is one of the places where most of the people live as farmers. Research activities were carried out from April to June in 2022. The data used in the study were primary data and secondary data. Primary data were obtained from direct interviews with farmers using a questionnaire. The number of respondents was 20 cabbage farmers who were randomly selected in 2 Jagas in Tempok Village, Tompaso District, Minahasa Regency. The sample is divided into two categories, namely farmers who have their own land and farmers who rent land. Based on the results of research on cabbage farming in Tempok Village, Tompaso District, Minahasa Regency, there are different. The amount of income received by farmers depends on the size of the land and the care of the cabbage plants owned by the farmers. The average income per hectare of cabbage farming in Tempok Village, Tompaso District for farmers who have their own land is Rp. 37,314,658, while the average income per hectare for farmers who rent land is Rp. 22,824,010.</em></p>Gabriela Triveina KolibuGene Henfried Meyer KapantowAudrey Julia Maria Maweikere
Copyright (c) 2024 Gabriela Triveina Kolibu, Gene Henfried Meyer Kapantow, Audrey Julia Maria Maweikere
2024-09-062024-09-066423324010.35791/agrirud.v6i4.57788Penentuan Harga Pokok Beras di Kelurahan Imandi Kecamatan Dumoga Timur Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow
<p><em>This study aims to calculate the cost of production of rice in Imandi Village and compare the cost of rice with market prices and prices set by the government. This research uses a quantitative descriptive approach method, data collection is primary and secondary by conducting interviews with rice farmers. This study shows that the results of the calculation of the cost of goods sold, the total cost of the total respondents is Rp270,095,155. and the amount of rice production produced is 39,452 kg so that the cost of goods sold of rice in Imandi Village is Rp6,846/kg.</em></p>Angreyani Prisilia KolambanTheodora Maulina KatiandaghoNoortje Marsellanie Benu
Copyright (c) 2024 Angreyani Prisilia Kolamban, Theodora Maulina Katiandagho, Noortje Marsellanie Benu
2024-10-182024-10-186424125010.35791/agrirud.v6i4.58158Ketimpangan Sosial Pada Sumberdaya Pertanian di Desa Sawangan Kecamatan Tombulu Kabupaten Minahasa
<p><em>This study aims to analyze social inequality in agricultural resources in Sawangan Village, Tombulu District, Minahasa Regency. This study was conducted from April 2024 to June 2024. The research method used is a descriptive method to analyze the existing data. The data used are primary data and secondary data. Primary data was obtained directly from respondents by conducting direct interviews using a prepared questionnaire, while secondary data was obtained from other information data related to this study. The results of the study showed the results of a total score of 2631 which was obtained from the total score of inequality in land, inequality in capital and inequality in technology and information so that social inequality in agricultural resources in Sawangan Village, Tombulu District was in the high inequality criteria.</em></p>Tri Putra Kurnia SebaMelsje Yellie MemahNoortje Marsellanie Benu
Copyright (c) 2024 Tri Putra Kurnia Seba, Melsje Yellie Memah, Noortje Marsellanie Benu
2024-10-242024-10-246425125810.35791/agrirud.v6i4.58159Analisis Persediaan Minyak Goreng Pada Bulog Divisi Regional Sulawesi Utara
<p><em>This study aims to analyze the supply of cooking oil at Bulog North Sulawesi Regional Division. This research was conducted from May to June 2023. The data used in this research is secondary data. Secondary data is data that has been arranged in written form obtained from the company directly. The data is then processed and calculated using the EOQ method. The results of this study indicate that the procurement of cooking oil at Bulog North Sulawesi Regional Division is not optimal. The frequency of cooking oil procurement carried out by Bulog North Sulawesi Regional Division during 2023 was 28 times, while the results of calculations using EOQ obtained an order frequency of 6 times a year. This means that when using EOQ calculations can minimize ordering costs. The EOQ calculation also obtained the maximum amount that can be managed.</em></p>Rafael Stanly HomerAgnes Estephina LohoEllen Grace Tangkere
Copyright (c) 2024 Rafael Stanly Homer, Agnes Estephina Loho, Ellen Grace Tangkere
2024-11-162024-11-166425926610.35791/agrirud.v6i4.58161Strategi Pengembangan Usahatani Stevia di Desa Kolongan Atas Dua Kecamatan Sonder Kabupaten Minahasa
<p><em>This study aims to determine alternative strategies for developing stevia farming in Kolongan Atas Dua Village, Sonder District. The data collection method used was the survey method, which took primary and secondary data. The respondents were taken from farmer group members who cultivate stevia plants and stevia plant stakeholders, including the extension workers and the government. The data analysis method used in this research is a descriptive qualitative analysis using SWOT analysis. The results of this study indicate that alternative strategies for developing stevia farming in Kolongan Atas Dua Village, Sonder District, are (1) Utilizing land, suitable agro-climatic conditions, and adequate land area for the development of stevia farming and maximizing the use of privately owned land to meet the demand for stevia leaves. (2) Utilizing experience and improving farming skills to create superior products in the market. (3) Maximize using seeds from their breeding to increase production and establish cooperation with other parties/agencies for processing stevia leaves.</em></p>Yeheskel YeheskelGrace Adonia Josephine RumagitJuliana Ruth Mandei
Copyright (c) 2024 Yeheskel Yeheskel, Grace Adonia Josephine Rumagit, Juliana Ruth Mandei