e-Journal BUDIDAYA PERAIRAN https://ejournal.unsrat.ac.id/v3/index.php/bdp <p>The Aquatic Cultivation Journal is a scientific journal that publishes research results and reviews in the field of aquaculture, both freshwater, brackish and marine. Journal articles can be written in English or Indonesian. The Journal is published 3 times a year, but since 2019 Volume 7, the Journal has been published 2 times a year, namely March and September.</p> Universitas Sam Ratulangi en-US e-Journal BUDIDAYA PERAIRAN 2337-3768 Penambahan konsentrat protein daun Wori (Ormocarpum cochinchinense) dalam pakan buatan untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan sintasan hidup ikan Nila salin (Oreochromis niloctius) https://ejournal.unsrat.ac.id/v3/index.php/bdp/article/view/54397 <p><a href="https://plants.usda.gov/java/ClassificationServlet?source=display&amp;classid=ORCO14"><em>Ormocarpum cochinchinense</em></a> leaves protein concentrate (KPDW) is a product resulting from making protein concentrate using the coagulation method on wori leaves. The addition of KPDW in artificial feed is expected to increase the nutrition of the feed so that it can increase the growth of saline tilapia in ponds. The aim of this research was to analyze the effect of adding KPDW to artificial feed on the growth and survival rate of saline tilapia. Saline tilapia was reared in the West Petta Village Pond, Petta District, Sangihe Islands Regency. This research used a completely randomized design method consisting of 4 treatments, each with 3 replications, namely control, the addition of 1%, 2%, and 3% KPDW. The results obtained from this research were that the addition of 1% KPDW to artificial feed provided better absolute weight and absolute length of saline tilapia compared to adding KPDW at other doses, meanwhile, the survival value of saline tilapia in all treatments was 100%. In conclusion, the addition of KPDW to artificial feed had no significant effect on the growth and survival of saline tilapia.</p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong>: aquaculture, protein source, alternative feed</p> Numisye Iske Mose Jetti Saselah Copyright (c) 2024 Numisye Iske Mose, Jetti Saselah https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-02-28 2024-02-28 12 1 1 8 10.35800/bdp.v12i1.54397 Pertumbuhan benih ikan gabus (Channa striata) pada media pemeliharaan akuaponik menggunakan pakan komersil dengan komposisi protein berbeda https://ejournal.unsrat.ac.id/v3/index.php/bdp/article/view/53959 <p>This research aimed to determine the growth of snakehead fries t reared in aquaponic media and fed commercial fish food. The treatments consisted of treatment A with a protein content of 40%, B with a protein content of 35%, and C with a protein content of 30%, each with three replications. The research was conducted for 32 days. The research found the absolute growth of treatment a was 1.34 g, treatment b was 0.775 g, and treatment C was 0.605 g. The daily growth rate for treatment a was 4.18%, treatment b 2.42%, and treatment C 1.89%. Linear regression analysis between protein content in food and growth weight of snakehead fish fry had a strong relationship to both absolute growth and specific growth rate. The higher the protein content, the higher the weight growth of snakehead fry.</p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong>: snakehead fish, aquaponic, commercial food, protein</p> Eukharistian Niti Joppy D. Mudeng Edwin L. A. Ngangi Henneke Pangkey Revol D. Monijung Sammy N.J. Longdong Copyright (c) 2024 Eukharistian Niti https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-03-07 2024-03-07 12 1 9 18 10.35800/bdp.v12i1.53959 Analisis kandungan organoklorin pada area akuakultur di Perairan Pulau Nain https://ejournal.unsrat.ac.id/v3/index.php/bdp/article/view/55659 <p>Organochlorine pesticides are one type of pesticide that is often used and some organochlorine pesticides are included in the group of Persistent Organic Pollutants, this type of pesticide is a pollutant that is a problem because it is resistant and bioaccumulative. Organochlorine characteristics that can adversely affect the environment are; 1). Decomposes very long in soil, air, water, and in living things, and can also stay in the environment for a long time. 2). It can enter the food chain and accumulate in fat tissue, making it difficult to dissolve in water. 3). Can be carried far through air and water. Seeing the nature of organochlorine pesticides that can last a long time in the environment and can be carried away by air and water, and the discovery of organochlorines in Manado Bay does not rule out the possibility that organochlorine pesticides can also exist in the waters of Nain Island. The objectives of this study are: (1) Measuring the physical parameters of water chemistry (temperature, DO, pH, and salinity) and organochlorine pesticide levels in Nain Island waters, (2) Analyzing organochlorine levels in Nain Island seawater samples. Measurements and sampling were carried out on Nain Island, Wori District, North Minahasa Regency on May 22, 2023. The results showed that there were organochlorines of endrin and DDT types in the waters of Nain Island, the concentration of endrin and DDT did not exceed the threshold of seawater quality standards PP RI No. 22 of 2021. The results of measuring water quality parameters show that the measurement location is still under seawater quality standards.</p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong>: pesticides, water quality, aquaculture, seaweeds</p> Gerald A. Pratasik Sipriana S. Tumembouw Diane J. Kusen Suzanne L. Undap Edwin L. A. Ngangi Reni L. Kreckhoff Copyright (c) 2024 Gerald A. Pratasik, Sipriana S. Tumembouw, Diane J. Kusen, Suzanne L. Undap, Edwin L. A. Ngangi, Reni L. Kreckhoff https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-05-27 2024-05-27 12 1 19 26 10.35800/bdp.v12i1.55659 Analisis pertumbuhan benih ikan Jelawat (Leptobarbus hoevenii) dengan penambahan asam amino metionin dalam pakan https://ejournal.unsrat.ac.id/v3/index.php/bdp/article/view/55682 <p>This study aimed to determine the effect of the addition of methionine amino acids into feed with different doses on the growth rate of hoven’s carp (<em>Leptobarbus hoevenii</em>) and determine the best dose that improves the growth. The test fish was a hoven’s carp that was reared for 30 days. This study used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 5 treatments. The treatments included: A (0.0%), B (0.1%), C (0.2%), D (0.3%), and E (0.4%). The density of fish was 20 individuals per container by giving feed in<em>satiation</em>. The results of the study showed that the treatment of the addition of methionine amino acids in the feed had a significant effect on absolute weight growth, total length growth, specific growth rate, and feed conversion ratio (P&lt; 0.05). Treatment E (0.4%) gave the best results of absolute weight growth (2.94 gr), total length growth, and (1.70 cm), specific growth rate (5.73%).</p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><strong>: </strong>aquaculture, fish growth, methionine</p> Jatmiko Pratama Andi Nikhlani Mohamad Ma'ruf Copyright (c) 2024 Jatmiko Pratama, Andi Nikhlani, Mohamad Ma'ruf https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-06-05 2024-06-05 12 1 27 35 10.35800/bdp.v12i1.55682 Kesesuaian lahan budi daya rumput laut Caulerpa sp. di Perairan Tanjung Kamala, Minahasa Utara https://ejournal.unsrat.ac.id/v3/index.php/bdp/article/view/56193 <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p>Bahoi Waters is located in West Likupang District, known as a coastal village that has a lot of fishing and marine potential. Utilization of Bahoi waters for seaweed cultivation requires good seawater quality to meet the requirements for cultivation. Water quality is one of the factors that plays an important role in the success of seaweed cultivation. The aim of the research was to determine the suitability of water in Bahoi Village for land for seaweed (<em>Caulerpa</em> sp.) cultivation. The research used in situ measurements at 3 stations, namely: Station A (Existing Cultivation Location), Station B (Tanjung Kamala Waters), and Station C (Tamperong Island Waters). Data collection was carried out 2 times with 3 repetitions for measurement of water parameters. Measurement time was carried out at 07:00 – 09:00; 12:00-14:00, and 17:00- 19:00. Data was analyzed by comparing physical parameters and chemical parameters at each station with a scoring table and weights in the land suitability matrix. The conformity class determination obtained was: Very Suitable with a value range of 37 – 48 (S1), Suitable 25 – 36 (S2), and Not Suitable 16 – 24 (S3). The scoring value for suitability of water quality parameters at Station A was 46, Station B 47, and Station C 44. In conclusion, all stations are in the Very Suitable class for cultivating <em>Caulerpa</em> sp. </p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong>: <em>Caulerpa</em> sp., water quality, seaweed</p> Reva E. Mamonto Edwin. L. A. Ngangi Suzanne L. Undap Reni L. Kreckhoff Sammy N. J. Longdong Revol J. Monijung Novie P. L. Pangemanan Copyright (c) 2024 Reva E. Mamonto, Edwin. L. A. Ngangi, Suzanne L. Undap, Reni L. Kreckhoff, Sammy N. J. Longdong, Revol J. Monijung, Novie P. L. Pangemanan https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 12 1 36 43 10.35800/bdp.v12i1.56193