<p>The Aquatic Cultivation Journal is a scientific journal that publishes research results and reviews in the field of aquaculture, both freshwater, brackish and marine. Journal articles can be written in English or Indonesian. The Journal is published 3 times a year, but since 2019 Volume 7, the Journal has been published 2 times a year, namely June and Desember.</p>en-USejurnalbdp@unsrat.ac.id (Sipriana S. Tumembouw)edwin.ngangi@unsrat.ac.id (Edwin L.A. Ngangi )Mon, 20 Jan 2025 09:37:58 +0800OJS kandungan senyawa tributiltin dalam air pada area budidaya di Selat Lembeh Bitung
<p>Tributiltin (TBT) is an organotin compound that is still widely used as a toxic biocidal additive in antifouling paints. These compounds are classified as pollutants that are very difficult to decompose in waters. The test of the concentration of TBT in seawater was carried out at the WLN Laboratory (Water Laboratory Nusantara) Manado. Nitrate, nitrite and ammonia concentration tests were carried out at the Laboratory of the Manado Industrial Service and Standardization Center (BSPJI). Measurement of the physical and chemical parameters of seawater used: Temperature, Brightness, pH, Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Salinity and Turbidity in situ. Analysis of the concentration of Tributiltin (TBT) compounds in seawater in the waters of the Lembeh Strait in the cultivation areas of Point 1 (Tanjung Rarandam), Point 2 (Kalapa Dua), Point 3 (Papusungan) in the Lembeh Strait showed a concentration of <0.01 μg/L, which is still in the safe range below the standard limit of seawater quality for biota (0.01 μg/L). Measuring water quality in the Lembeh Strait aquaculture area, the DO value ranges from 7.83-8.34 ppm. Salinity values ranged from 30.99-31.24 ppt. The pH value ranges from 9.37-9.42. The temperature value ranges from 27.87-27.69 °C. The brightness value ranges from 3.12 m-3.39 m. The turbidity value ranged from 0.63-1.22. The nitrate value of 1.98-2.19 mg/L, far exceeding the limit set (0.06 mg/L) for marine life, indicates a potential risk to the ecosystem. The concentration of Nitrite in the waters is still in accordance with the general water standards, ranging from <0.005 mg/L to 0.02 mg/L. The concentration of Ammonia is below the water quality standard threshold at all points of 0.3 mg/L, which is still safe for marine life and aquaculture activities in these waters in accordance with the seawater quality standards in Government Regulation No. 22 of 2021 Attachment VIII concerning the Implementation of Environmental Protection and Management.</p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em>:</strong> TBT Compounds, Concentration, Water Quality, Quality Standards, Straits</p>Daniel Simanjorang, Suzanne L. Undap, Sipriana S. Tumembouw, Pankie N.L Pangemanan, Henneke Pangkey, Joppy D. Mudeng
Copyright (c) 2025 Daniel Simanjorang, Suzanne L. Undap, Sipriana S. Tumembouw, Pankie N.L Pangemanan, Henneke Pangkey, Joppy D. Mudeng
https://ejournal.unsrat.ac.id/v3/index.php/bdp/article/view/59059Mon, 20 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0800Kultivasi rumput laut Caulerpa lentillifera menggunakan berat awal berbeda dengan metode rawai permukaan
<p>The research purposes were to determine the best initial weight of <em>Caulerpa lentillifera </em>algae, determine the appropriate cultural operational depth for the best growth of <em>C.lentillifera </em>algae, and determine the interaction between the initial weight factor of <em>C.lentillifera </em>algae and the depth factor of growth. This research was carried out from May to July 2023. The <em>C. lentillifera </em>algae in this research were obtained from nature. <em>C.lentillifera </em>algae culture is carried out using the verticulture method, namely tying the algae to strings arranged in a row. This research was designed using a 3x3 factorial in a Completely Randomized Design (RAL). There are 2 factors tested in this experiment, each of which has 3 levels, namely: the weight factor of <em>C. lentillifera </em>algae which consists of: A1 = 50 grams, A2 = 100 grams and A3 = 150 grams, and the depth factor which consists of: B1 = 20 cm, B2 = 70 cm and B3 = 120 cm. The results obtained from this research are that differences in the growth of <em>C. lentillifera </em>algae are very significantly influenced by differences in the initial weight of different. The best absolute growth, relative growth, and daily growth rate were initial <em>C. lentillifera </em>algae weights of 50 grams, which respectively had the highest average values of 24.3 grams, 16.2%, and 1.4%. Differences in depth had no significant influence on differences in absolute growth, relative growth, and daily growth rate of the algae <em>C. lentillifera</em>. The results of variance analysis showed that the influence of the weight factor of <em>C. lentillifera </em>on absolute growth, relative growth, and daily growth rate did not change significantly when the depth factor level was changed.</p> <p>Keywords: verticulture; growth; initial weight; depth</p>Jeivana F.T Mamesah, Joppy D. Mudeng, Edwin L. A. Ngangi, Reni L. Kreckhoff, Indra R.N. Salindeho, Hariyani Sambali, Jeffrie F. Mokolensang
Copyright (c) 2025 Jeivana F.T Mamesah, Joppy Denny Mudeng, Edwin L. A. Ngangi, Reni L. Kreckhoff, Indra R.N. Salindeho, Hariyani Sambali, Jeffrie F. Mokolensang
https://ejournal.unsrat.ac.id/v3/index.php/bdp/article/view/60331Tue, 28 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0800Pengaruh padat penebaran berbeda terhadap peningkatan produksi budidaya ikan lele (Clarias gariepinus) di kolam terpal
<p>Cultivation of catfish (<em>Clarias gariepinus</em>) in tarpaulin ponds is a superior choice due to its flexibility and efficiency, but the optimal stocking density still requires further study. This study aimed to analyze the effect of different stocking densities on the production of catfish cultivated in tarpaulin ponds. The study was conducted using a completely randomized design (CRD) with three stocking density treatments: 50 fish/container (Treatment A), 100 fish/container (Treatment B), and 150 fish/container (Treatment C). Parameters measured included absolute length, absolute weight, and water quality. The results showed that stocking density significantly affected the absolute length and weight of fish. Treatment A produced the highest absolute length (16.92 cm) and weight (63.36 grams), followed by Treatment B (15.92 cm; 55.16 grams) and Treatment C (14.32 cm; 49.88 grams). Water quality parameters such as temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, nitrate, and ammonia generally remained within the safe range in all treatments, although quality decreased at higher stocking densities. This study shows that lower stocking densities provide more optimal production results in a tarpaulin pond system.</p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong>: absolute weight, tarpaulin pond, water quality, absolute length</p>Yeni Indriani, Jetti Treslah Saselah
Copyright (c) 2025 Yeni Indriani, Jetti Treslah Saselah
https://ejournal.unsrat.ac.id/v3/index.php/bdp/article/view/59374Mon, 10 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0800