The Potential of African Leaf Extract (Gymnanthemum amygdalinum Del.) as Antihypertensive in Male White Rats


  • Lusi Agus Setiani Pharmacy Study Program, FMIPA, Pakuan University, Bogor Jalan Pakuan PO BOX 452 Bogor 16143


Hypertension is a non-communicable disease that often occurs in the community and causes serious health problems. The number of cases of hypertension that occurs in Indonesia increases the exploration of the use of natural ingredients, one of which is African leaves as a traditional medicine that is developed into herbal medicine and standardized herbal medicine. Flavonoids are known to have the ability to inhibit the activity of the angiotensin-converting enzyme. African leaves are one of the plants that contain flavonoid secondary metabolites that can be obtained by the MAE (Microwave Assisted Extraction) extraction method using 70% ethanol as a solvent. Induction of hypertension was carried out by giving 2% prednisone-NaCl solution for 21 days, the positive control used was the ACEI captopril group with a dose of 0.45 mg/200 g BW and the preparation of African leaf extract was made in 3 doses, namely the dose 100 BW, dose II 150 BW, and dose III 200 BW) given orally. Blood pressure was measured every 7 days using a CODA® non-invasive blood pressure measuring device. The results showed that the African leaf has an antihypertensive effect where the most effective dose in lowering blood pressure is dose III 200 BW with a blood pressure reduction time of 14 days.


