Proceeding of The International Conference on Natural Sciences, Mathematics, Applications, Research, and Technology 2023-06-19T04:25:39+08:00 Deiby Tineke Salaki Open Journal Systems Proceedings of The International Conference on Natural Sciences, Mathematics, Applications, Research, and Technology (ICON-SMART) published research results in mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry, pharmacy, education, energy, computer science, information systems, fisheries and marine sciences, agriculture, and materials science, which have been presented at the ICON-SMART. This conference is held annually by the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), Sam Ratulangi University. Clustering of Travel Insurance Cases with K-Modes Algorithm 2023-01-16T06:26:46+08:00 Sheilta Alphenia Kariyam Kariyam <p>Travel insurance is protection against risks that may occur when a person travels, including tourist trips. Information about the characteristics of tourists helps insurance companies in creating new products. In this study, travelers will be grouped based on the attributes of age category, income category, the number of families category, education level, type of work, history of health, frequency of travel, and frequency of going abroad. Clustering for mixed data nominal and ordinal usually pay less attention to ordinal attribute information. We use the k-modes algorithm with a measure of proximity that positions the existence of the essence of the sequence on the ordinal attribute. We classified 710 tourists who already have travel insurance into two clusters based on this method. At the same time, as many as 1277 travelers who do not have travel insurance were into four groups. Based on the profiles of each group, we conclude that there are similarities in the characteristics of 290 travelers who do not have travel insurance with 332 travelers who already have insurance. This group is private workers who graduated from college, are 30 years old, have no history of chronic disease, have a family of four, and are upper-middle-income. This group also rarely travels and never abroad. Insurance companies can target prospective tourists with these characteristics in offering their products.</p> 2022-12-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Proceeding of The International Conference on Natural Sciences, Mathematics, Applications, Research, and Technology The Potential of African Leaf Extract (Gymnanthemum amygdalinum Del.) as Antihypertensive in Male White Rats 2023-01-16T10:16:31+08:00 Lusi Agus Setiani <p>Hypertension is a non-communicable disease that often occurs in the community and causes serious health problems. The number of cases of hypertension that occurs in Indonesia increases the exploration of the use of natural ingredients, one of which is African leaves as a traditional medicine that is developed into herbal medicine and standardized herbal medicine. Flavonoids are known to have the ability to inhibit the activity of the angiotensin-converting enzyme. African leaves are one of the plants that contain flavonoid secondary metabolites that can be obtained by the MAE (Microwave Assisted Extraction) extraction method using 70% ethanol as a solvent. Induction of hypertension was carried out by giving 2% prednisone-NaCl solution for 21 days, the positive control used was the ACEI captopril group with a dose of 0.45 mg/200 g BW and the preparation of African leaf extract was made in 3 doses, namely the dose 100<sup>1 </sup>BW, dose II 150<sup>-1</sup> BW, and dose III 200<sup>-1</sup> BW) given orally. Blood pressure was measured every 7 days using a CODA® non-invasive blood pressure measuring device. The results showed that the African leaf has an antihypertensive effect where the most effective dose in lowering blood pressure is dose III 200<sup>-1</sup> BW with a blood pressure reduction time of 14 days.</p> 2022-12-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Characteristics of Education in Central Kalimantan Using Biplot Analysis 2023-06-19T04:25:39+08:00 Fernando Dorothius Pongoh <p>Education is a conscious and planned effort to realize the learning atmosphere and learning process so that students actively develop their potential to have religious spiritual power, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble morals, as well as the necessary skills for themselves, society, nation, and state. The components of education are students, education personnel, educators, and the implementation place of the education. This research purposed to describe the mapping characteristics of the number of students (X1), the number of employees (X2), the number of teachers (X3), and the number of schools (X4) senior high schools in Central Kalimantan. The data used is the main data of education (data pokok pendidikan) from the Ministry of Education and Culture (KEMDIKBUD) for the 2021/2022 school year from 14 regencies/municipalities in Central Kalimantan Province. Biplot analysis of the main components is used to describe the data contained in the summary table into a two-dimensional graph. The results of the analysis 1) All variables have almost the same variances; 2) The number of students (X1) and the number of teachers (X2) have the closest positive correlation; 3) Palangka Raya city, East Kotawaringin Regency and Kapuas regency have the highest scores for the number of students (X1), the number of employees (X2), and the number of teachers (X3).</p> 2022-12-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Universitas Sam Ratulangi