Jurnal Teknik Informatika
<p>Jurnal Teknik Informatika (JTI) is a scientific electronic journal (e-journal) published by the Informatics Engineering Study Program, Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Sam Ratulangi University, Manado, North Sulawesi. This e-journal is a publication and information forum for papers, theses, research, planning and design concepts, as well as analysis from students, lecturers or other writers. This e-journal focus and scope are multimedia,Cyber Security, Cloud Computing, software engineering, artificial intelligence, databases, computer security, animation, internet of things, big data, data science, game, etc. related to Informatics and Computer Engineering.</p> <p>The paper or article can be written in English or Indonesian, issued in March, June, September and December.</p> <p><strong><strong>This Journal is already indexed on</strong>:</strong></p> <p><a href="https://scholar.google.co.id/citations?hl=en&view_op=list_works&gmla=AJsN-F5fX6-3uOzEYUQFSXHZ4BO6hM1574TEAFty8kfDnUx1crFiqvhCJnYA01ldQn1sBuNRGjX8iUEpYFdAQegHQxO509TJwA&user=GSSyYdMAAAAJ" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="https://ejournal.unsrat.ac.id/public/site/images/glanny123/upppp161.jpg" alt="" /></a></p> <p>E-ISSN : 2685-6131</p>Universitas Sam Ratulangien-USJurnal Teknik Informatika2301-8364Analisa dan Perancangan UI/UX Aplikasi Alfagift Menggunakan Metode Design Thinking
<p>Alfagift application is an e-commerce application that provides a variety of daily needs of the community that can make it easier for users to carry out the shopping process from home without having to go to the store. The problems experienced by users are the absence of features to track delivery status, limited access to contact the store so that the ordered product passes the supposed delivery hours. Based on these problems, the UI/UX of the Alfagift Application was designed using the Figma application by adding features that meet user needs and using the Design Thinking method which has 5 stages Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, and Test. This research resulted in additional features the order tracking feature, contact the store through the Alfagift application, change phone numbers, delete shopping items, and change the layout on the application homepage. Based on the results that have been made, testing is carried out on 100 users with questionnaires and interviews. Through calculations using the System Usability Scale method, the results obtained with an average value of 80.75 with the Acceptable category and Excellent rating, which means that the designed interface design can be accepted by users.<!--/data/user/0/com.samsung.android.app.notes/files/clipdata/clipdata_bodytext_240129_170107_225.sdocx--></p>Stephani Gabriela KaunangVirginia TulenanDaniel F. Sengkey
Copyright (c) 2024 Stephani Gabriela Kaunang, Virginia Tulenan, Daniel F. Sengkey
2024-12-202024-12-201904329340The Pengembangan Aplikasi Penelusuran Jurnal Ilmiah Berbasis Web Semantik
<p><strong>The search system is one of the technologies that is very widely used in the current technological era. With this search system, users can search and get information easily, where with the search system, users can get a variety of information on the internet, even though this search system is very widely used and can provide a lot of information for users and often this system does not display relevant data. The ADDIE model is a generic learning/training design model that serves as a guideline in building training program tools and infrastructure that are effective, dynamic and support the performance of the training itself. This ADDIE model uses 5 development stages, namely Analyze, Design, Development, Implement, and Evaluate. The results of testing the recall value (R) show that the R value obtained is still far from 1, namely 0.34. This shows that the system has not been able to find almost all the amount of relevant information according to the amount of relevant information stored in the journal ontology. The results of testing the precision (P) value show that the P value obtained is 1. The scientific journal search system aims to assist in finding information related to journal libraries. This semantic-based search system was built and uses an ontology as a representation of knowledge-based information. System testing uses 2 test keywords to determine the level of relevance of the information produced by the system and the results obtained are a recall value of 0.34 and a precision value of 1, so it can be said that the system has a fairly high level of relevance when returning the information the user wants.</strong></p>VAIYE EFRAIM JIRE KARAMEAgustinus JacobusDirko Ruindungan
Copyright (c) 2024 VAIYE EFRAIM JIRE KARAME, Agustinus Jacobus, Dirko Ruindungan
2024-12-202024-12-201904341346Rancangan Bangun Sistem informasi akademik padaTaman Kanak-kanak
<p><em>Abstract </em>— Technology facilitates our daily activities, including in the field of education. In this research, the aim is to develop an Academic Information System for a Kindergarten, using TK NAOMI as an example. The system is designed to streamline the exchange of information, such as planned activities for students and reports on their completed activities. All activities are scheduled, making it convenient for parents to be informed about the learning plans and activity reports of their children.</p> <p>The system is developed using the PHP programming language with the Laravel framework, and MySQL is employed as the database for storing data. This web-based application is designed to simplify the exchange of information between teachers and parents regarding the development of the child. It ensures that information about teachers and students is well-organized and structured. The research aims to ease the tasks of teachers and provide parents with convenient access to information about their child's school activities.</p> <p> </p> <p>Keywords: Academic information system; Kindergarten,</p> <p> </p> <p><em>Abstrak </em>— Teknologi memudahkan kita dalam beraktifitas sehari – hari, bergitu pun dalam dunia pendidikan, teknologi membantu dalam pengelolaan data , dalam penelitian kali ini bertujuan untuk membangun sistem informasi akademik Taman kanak-kanak dalam kasus ini diambil contoh TK NAOMI , dimana sistem yang di bangun memudahkan dalam proses pertukaran informasi misalnya kegiatan – kegiatan yang akan di lakukan oleh peserta didik, serta laporan kegiatan yang telah dilakukan oleh peserta didik , semuanya telah terjadwal sehingga memudahkan orang tua untuk mengetahui rencana pembelajaran serta laporan kegiatan peserta didik</p> <p> sistem ini dibangun dengan bahasa pemograman PHP dengan menggunakan frame work Laravel , serta database MySQL sebagai media penyimpanan data , Aplikasi berbasis Web ini dirancang agar guru dan orang tua di permudah dalam pertukaran informasi perkembangan anak, serta data-data informasi guru dan anak dapat tersimpan dengan baik dan terstruktur Hasil penelitian ini di harapkan dapat mempermudah tugas guru serta mempermudah orang tua untuk mengetahui kegiatan anak di sekolah</p> <p> </p> <p>Kata kunci : Sistem infromasi akademik ; Taman kanak-kanak</p>Frederica SampeYaulie D. Y. RindenganArie S. M. Lumenta
Copyright (c) 2024 Frederica Sampe, Yaulie D. Y. Rindengan, Arie S. M. Lumenta
2024-12-202024-12-201904347354Virtual Reality as a Media For Japanese Cave Exploration
<p><strong>Kawangkoan is an area located in North Sulawesi, Indonesia, presenting stunning natural beauty while storing extraordinary historical and cultural richness. The Japanese Cave is a striking historical heritage in Kawangkoan and is also one of the tourist attractions in Minahasa Regency. But unfortunately not everyone dares to visit physically for security reasons. In the world of tourism and history, Virtual Reality can be used as a medium to explore historical tourist attractions without having to visit physically and can also add information from a historical tourist attraction. The purpose of this study is to develop a Virtual Reality application that can be used as a medium for Japanese Cave Exploration in Kawangkoan. The method used in designing this system is MDLC. The results of this study are to produce a VR application that can be used as a medium for Japanese Cave exploration that runs on Android smartphones.</strong></p>Yuri V. AkayHeilbert Armando Mapaly
Copyright (c) 2024 Yuri V. Akay, Henry Valentino Florensius Kainde, Heilbert Armando Mapaly
2024-12-202024-12-201904279288Penerapan Augmented Reality Untuk Sistem Periodik Unsur Kimia
<p><em>Abstrak </em>- Augmented reality berbeda dengan virtual reality yang sepenuhnya menggantikan apa yang ada di dunia nyata, namun hanya menambah atau melengkapinya. Hal ini dilakukan dengan "menggambar" objek tiga dimensinya ke penanda, sebuah "pola" unik yang dapat dikenali oleh aplikasi. Oleh karena itu peneliti ingin melakukan penelitian dengan topik yaitu augmented reality untuk sistem periodik Unsur Kimia dengan perancangannya menggunakan developer Unity, Blender 3D dan Vuforia untuk menampilkan bentuk atom menggunakan model atom Rutherford dalam bentuk objek 3Dimensi dengan gambar target, dengan kamera smartphone diarahkan ke penanda. Aplikasi ini menggunakan metodologi (Multimedia Development Life Cycle) yang meliputi beberapa tahapan yaitu concept, design, gathering material, assembly, testing dan distribution. Aplikasi ini berjalan pada platform Android. Berdasarkan hasil tanya jawab dengan 34 responden, 100% menyatakan bahwa aplikasi ini dapat membantu memahami tentang informasi penggolongan atom berdasarkan bentuk sediaannya dengan cara yang lebih menarik.</p> <p><em>Kata kunci </em>: Augmented Reality, Multimedia Development Life Cycle, Periodik Unsur Kimia, Aplikasi, image target, objek 3Dimensi, Android.</p>i gede arie yogantara subrataFeisy D. Kambey
Copyright (c) 2024 i gede arie yogantara subrata, Feisy D. Kambey
2024-12-202024-12-201904289298Educational Puzzle Game of Tourism Object Using Random Shuffle Algorithm
<p>The development of technology is currently growing very rapidly, therefore the current use is not only used by adults, but the technology is already used by children. The development of increasingly modern technology makes children choose new things. Therefore, many children today do not know about tourist attractions in North Sulawesi. As time goes by, the need for technology is increasing, the goal is for learning and entertainment. One of the existing learning and entertainment media for technology development is puzzle games. With puzzle games can be used as a medium to communicate various types of information, such as presenting the introduction of tourist objects that aim to be able to create an educational game puzzle introduction to North Sulawesi attractions using the Random Shuffle Algorithm using the Multimedia Develompment Life Cycle (MDLC) development method. Based on the results of research and questionnaires, it can be concluded that this puzzle game can make one of the alternative media in the introduction of North Sulawesi tourism objects.</p>Gabriely PotuSherwin R. U. A. SompieS. T. G. Kaunang
Copyright (c) 2024 Gabriely Potu, Sherwin R. U. A. Sompie, S. T. G. Kaunang
2024-12-202024-12-201904299308Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Virtual Pengenalan Wisata Malalayang Beach Walk
<div> <p class="Abstract"><span lang="EN-US">Transformasi pariwisata memerlukan pendekatan yang tidak hanya menarik tetapi juga relevan dengan perkembangan zaman. Saat ini, teknologi Virtual Reality (VR) muncul sebagai solusi inovatif dalam meningkatkan pengalaman di sektor hiburan. Salah satu aplikasin VR yang terkenal adalah virtual tour yang memungkinkan pengguna menjelajahi destinasi wisata secara real-time dari mana saja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan aplikasi virtual tour yang dapat meningkatkan daya saing Malalayang Beach Club dalam industri pariwisata dengan memanfaatkan teknologi VR. </span><span lang="IN">Pengembangan aplikasi menggunakan metode Agile jenis Scrum yang terdiri dari beberapa tahap yaitu : product backlog, sprint planning, sprint, daily scrum, sprint review, dan sprint retrospective. Di dalam penelitian ini telah dilaksanakan sejumlah tahapan yakni Studi Pustaka, Pengumpulan Data, Perancangan Sistem dan Model Data, Pembuatan Sistem dan Pengolahan Data, Pengujian dan Evaluasi, Pelaporan dan Publikasi. Hasil akhir dari penelitian ini berupa jurnal dan aplikasi yang dibuat. </span></p> </div>Henry Valentino Florensius Kainde
Copyright (c) 2024 Henry Valentino Florensius Kainde
2024-12-202024-12-201904309316Augmented Reality Storytelling Pengenalan Benda Bersejarah di Minahasa Selatan
<p><em>Historical objects are cultural assets that contains historical value which provides knowledge and overview about what happened in the past. Indonesia itself is a country that has various historical objects, Especially South Minahasa Regency ini North Sulawesi Province. South Minahasa Regency has numerous of historic relics such as Benteng Portugis, Veldbox Tumpaan, Waruga Popontolen, Menhir Lelema, and Lesung Batu Lutau Tondei. The rapid development of technology makes us more enjoyable to learn about those historical objects, for example using the Augmented Reality method. This research was conducted with the aim of making educative application that can introduce historical objects within South Minahasa Regency which developed using the MDLC (Multimedia Life Cycle) method. Based on the research and the results of the questionnaires that have been distributed, it can be concluded that there's an increase about user knowledge, and the introduction of historical objects can become more interactive to learn.</em></p> <p> </p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: Augmented Reality, Historical Objects, South Minahasa.</em></strong></p> <p><em> </em></p>Gerry Riko LengkongArie S.M. LumentaArthur M. Rumagit
Copyright (c) 2024 Gerry Riko Lengkong, Arie S.M. Lumenta, Arthur M. Rumagit