Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan
en-USitekpang.jurnal@gmail.com (Prof. Dr. Ir. Lucia C. Mandey, MS)itekpang.jurnal@gmail.com (Prof. Dr. Ir. Lucia C. Mandey, MS)Fri, 08 Jun 2018 04:21:50 +0800OJS Intake of Golden Period of Life
<p><em>Quality human resources are determined from the fulfillment of child nutrition from an early age even while still in the womb known as the first 1000 days of life (1000 HPK). This period starts from the pregnancy phase (270 days) until the child is 2 years old (730 days). The first thousand days of life have been agreed as the most important period in life because it can determine the health and intelligence of human resources in the future. The first thousand days of life represent a period of growth and development in all organs and systems of the body. Nutritional problems related to maternal nutritional status during pregnancy and lactation will affect the health of newborns, 2-year-olds and young women in the future Unmet needs in this period will have a permanent effect. The impact is not only on physical growth, but also on the mental development, intelligence, and behavior of children. Maternal nutrition during pregnancy has an effect on maternal mortality and infant mortality that is an indicator of a country's health progress</em>.</p><em>Keywords: golden period, nutrition intake, nutrition status</em>Laurensi M. Sasube, Aldian H. Luntungan
Copyright (c) 2018 Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan
https://ejournal.unsrat.ac.id/v3/index.php/itp/article/view/19709Fri, 08 Jun 2018 00:00:00 +0800Antioxidant's Activity of Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) Seeds Extract Coating by Nanochitosan
<p><em>An increasing production of avocado in Indonesia  has resulted in abundant seeds as wastes. Avocado’s seeds contain potential antioxidant compound, such as phenolic compound, which could be exploited for human consumption. Utilization of seeds as functional food could be more efficient by coating with a certain substance. Chitosan is a bio-compatible and non-toxic compound, and could be used as coating agent in the form of nanochitosan. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the content of  phenolic-compound in extract of avocado’s seed with and without coated by nanochitosan. In this study, the extract of avocado’s seed was coated with  Parrot fish scale (Scarus </em>sp<em>) derived nanochitosan, compared with nanochitosan from crab’s shell. Nanochitosan was prepared from chitosan by gelation ionic method. The results show that avocado’s seed extract has 44.89 mg/Kg of phenolic content, much lower than the content in the extract coated with nanochitosan of fish and crab shell, which were 84.08  and 113,67 mg/Kg, respectively.   Therefore, coating with nanochitosan was proven increasing the phenolic compound in the extract of avocado’s seed.  </em></p><em>Keywords: avocado, nanochitosan, phenol</em>Dyta Anggraeny, Inneke F. M. Rumengan, Gregoria S. S. Djarkasi, Pipih Suptijah
Copyright (c) 2018 Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan
https://ejournal.unsrat.ac.id/v3/index.php/itp/article/view/19710Fri, 08 Jun 2018 00:00:00 +0800The Fermentation Effects of Lactobacillus casei to Sweet Corn Physical Characteristic
<p><em>The purpose of this research is to reveal the physical properties of fermented corn meal using Lactobacillus casei bacteria. Completely Randomized Design (CRD) was used in this research. Lactobacillus casei was use for the fermentation of sweet corn grits and the treatments were duration (hour) of fermentation i.e. without fermentation (control), 24, 48 dan 72 hours. The observed variables were physical properties of sweet corn flour. The results showed that sweet corn flour produced after fermentation has an average of gelatinization temperature ranged between 59 <sup>0</sup>C – 64,67 <sup>0</sup>C and have a level of brightness L * 81.33 – 82.60,  the colors a * -0.27 – 3.03 and b * 27.60 – 30.50. The water absorption capacity ranged betwen 40.53% – 65.33%, oil absorption 31% – 47% and the average yield of sweet corn flour after fermentation ranged between 12.63% – 29.24%. The Swelling power of corn flour was maximum at 95 <sup>0</sup>C and it ranged between 8.23 g/g – 6.57 g/g. Fermentation of sweet corn grits by Lactobacillus casei for 72 hours significanthy affected yield and swelling power of sweet corn flour.<strong></strong></em></p><p><em>Keywords: Lactobacillus casei fermentation</em>,<em> physical properties of flour</em>,<em> sweet corn</em></p>Liean Ntau, Maria F. Sumual, Jan R. Assa
Copyright (c) 2018 Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan
https://ejournal.unsrat.ac.id/v3/index.php/itp/article/view/19712Fri, 08 Jun 2018 00:00:00 +0800The Effects of Nanochitosan Coating to Phenolic Compounds of Basil Leaf (Ocimum basilicum L) Extracts
<div class="WordSection1"><p><em>Basil </em><em>l</em><em>eaf (O. </em><em>b</em><em>asilicum L)</em><em> </em><em>could be developed as a herbal supplement due to its phenolic compounds which</em> <em>have antioxidant activity. Extract of this plant would be more effective as a natural antioxidant if it is coated with nanochitosan. Nanochitosan was prepared from the</em><em> </em><em>parrot fish (scarus sp) </em><em>scale and chitosan of crab’s shell by gelatin ionic method. </em><em>The purpose of this</em><em> study was to determine the effects of the nanochitosan coating </em><em>on phenolic content of basil leaves. The parameters tested were</em><em> </em><em>phenolic content o</em><em>f the </em><em>basil leaf extract</em><em>s</em><em> and </em><em>nano</em><em>chitosan</em><em> </em><em>coated</em><em> basil leaf extracts</em><em>. The results </em><em>show that t</em><em>he  size’s average of nano</em><em>chitosan </em><em> from fish scales </em><em>were in </em><em>657,4 nm. Phenolic</em><em> compound was not detected in both the fishscale and crab’s shell derived chitosan. In the other hand, p</em><em>henolic </em><em>compound of the </em><em>basil leaf extract</em><em> </em><em> showed the presence of phenol content of 34.38 mg/kg. In basil leaf extracts coated with </em><em>nano</em><em>chitosan from fish scales and </em><em>nanochitosan of crab’s shell </em><em>showed a phenolic content of 39.28 mg / kg and 57.44 mg/kg respectively. </em><em>This suggests</em><em> </em><em>that </em><em>synthesis of phenolic compound was induced when the extract of basil leaves was coated by nanochitosan.</em></p><p><em>Keyword</em><em>s</em><em>: basil</em><em> leaves,</em><em> chitosan,</em><em> </em><em>n</em><em>anoparticles,</em><em> </em><em>p</em><em>henolic compounds</em><em></em></p></div><em><br clear="all" /></em>Aldian H. Luntungan, Lucia C. Mandey, Inneke F. M. Rumengan, Pipih Suptijah
Copyright (c) 2018 Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan
https://ejournal.unsrat.ac.id/v3/index.php/itp/article/view/19713Fri, 08 Jun 2018 00:00:00 +0800Analysis of the Amount of Mold towards the Smoked Skipjack Coated by Kakatua Fish Scale’s Nanochitosan during Room Temperature Storage
<p><em>North Sulawesi has a well-known product of smoked fish that is smoked Skipjack or commonly called cakalang fufu. Smoking is a way of processing or preserving by utilizing a combination of drying treatment and giving of chemical compounds such as fenol and organic acid from the natural fuel. In general, the method of smoked fish processing is heat smoking with a temperature about 70-80 ° for 3-5 hours. Less sanitary and hygienic processing and bad storage conditions will cause the microbiological damage towards the smoked skipjack products. To solve this problems, it is necessary to do edible coating in order to produce a durable product. Edible coating is a coating that is able to maintain the quality and extend the shelf life, one of the edible coating that can be used is chitosan. Fish scales can also be used as the basic ingredients of making chitosan. Nanochitosan is a nanoparticle of chitosan that has better absorption and better ability as antibacterial and antifungal than chitosan with regular size. This study aims to analyze amount of mold in smoked skipjack with nanochitosan of kakatua fish scales during storage at room temperature. Based on the result, the amount of mold on smoked skipjack that coated by  nanochitosan before smoked less than the treatment after smoked, before and after smoked and control that is 2.48 x 10<sup>3</sup> for 4 days storage.</em></p><em>Keywords: smoked skipjack, nanochitosan, fish scales, amount of molds</em>Falen Billy Sandana, Dekie Rawung, Netty Salindeho
Copyright (c) 2018 Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan
https://ejournal.unsrat.ac.id/v3/index.php/itp/article/view/19714Fri, 08 Jun 2018 00:00:00 +0800In Vitro Metabolic Stability Of Monocrotaline (MCT) and Heliotrine (HLT) in Rat Liver Microsome
<p>The Pyrolizidine <em>alkaloids (</em>PAs) monocrotaline, and heliotrine chosen in our investigation are important as there are many reports if their occurrence as constituents of various food components as contaminated to cereal crops and herbal dietary supplements. These two PAs also belong to the two major classes of tumorigenic PAs, which is retronecine and heliotridine class. Although there is a sizable literature on monocrotaline and heliotrine, the information on the metabolism and toxicity of the important components of comfrey, is quite limited. Metabolic stability is defined as the percentage of parent compound lost over time in the presence of a metabolically active test system. The study in the compounds (MCT and HLT) stability is very important in order to investigate the profile of our compounds and as a foundation for further experiment. By understanding the metabolic stability of MCT and HLT in the early experiment will able to rank them in term of their rates of metabolism (slow or fast metabolism) and also to determine their half –life that will be benefit on define the incubation & sampling time. The aim of this research is to determine Metabolic Stability of Monocrotaline (MCT), and Heliotrine(HLT) in rat Liver Microsome. Rat liver microsome extraction and Higher Throughput Screening for Metabolic Stability. This research suggest that the two compounds of PAs Monocrotaline and Helitorine  have demonstrated the stability in the liver microsome compare to propranolol . Their slowly metabolism in the liver or longer half-lives may explain their high properties to survive long enough to reach target organs and their metabolites to bind with tissue and macromolecule.</p><p>Keywords: heliotrine, metabolic stability, monocrotaline</p>Laurensi M. Sasube, Aldian H. Luntungan
Copyright (c) 2018 Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan
https://ejournal.unsrat.ac.id/v3/index.php/itp/article/view/19715Fri, 08 Jun 2018 00:00:00 +0800