JURNAL ELEKTRONIK FAKULTAS SASTRA UNIVERSITAS SAM RATULANGI https://ejournal.unsrat.ac.id/v3/index.php/jefs en-US hettypelealu@unsrat.ac.id (Dra. Hetty Pelealu, SH, MHum) hettypelealu@unsrat.ac.id (Dra. Hetty Pelealu, SH, MHum) Wed, 07 Sep 2022 11:24:23 +0800 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 SIMBOL-SIMBOL PERNIKAHAN TRADISIONAL MASYARAKAT SALUAN SULAWESI TENGAH DAN NORWICH INGGRIS (ANALISIS SEMIOTIK) https://ejournal.unsrat.ac.id/v3/index.php/jefs/article/view/43446 <p>    SIMBOL-SIMBOL PERNIKAHAN TRADISIONAL MASYARAKAT SALUAN       SULAWESI TENGAH DAN NORWICH INGGRIS (ANALISIS SEMIOTIK)</p><p>                      Agmona Youvita Molenda¹</p><p>                        Rosalina R. Rambing²</p><p>                        Garryn C. Ranuntu³</p><p>                           </p><p>                           ABSTRACT</p><p>   This research entitled “Symbols of the Traditional marriage by Saluan society Central Sulawesi and Norwich England: Semiotic Analysis”. The objectives of this research are to identify, classify, analyze and contrast the types and meanings of the traditional symbols of the marriage in Saluan and Norwich. In this research, the writer uses descriptive method. The data of traditional marriage in Saluan were collected from interview, while the data of traditional symbols of marriage in Norwich were collected from several sources in the internet. The writer uses Peirce’s (1955) theory in analyzing the data in symbols to find out the meanings, differences and similarities. The result of this research shows that the marriage symbols of both cultures have similarities of the wedding function. The differences of both are as follows: wedding symbols in Norwich and Saluan has different types and meanings.</p><p>Keywords: Traditional Symbols, Marriage, Saluan and Norwich, Semiotic Analysis.</p><p> </p><p>¹ Mahasiswa yang bersangkutan</p><p>² Dosen Pembimbing Materi</p><p>³ Dosen Pembimbing Teknis</p> Agmona Youvita Molenda, Rosalina Rambing, Garryn Ch. Ranuntu Copyright (c) 2022 JURNAL ELEKTRONIK FAKULTAS SASTRA UNIVERSITAS SAM RATULANGI https://ejournal.unsrat.ac.id/v3/index.php/jefs/article/view/43446 PERSEPSI MAHASISWA TERHADAP PENGGUNAAN YOUTUBE DALAM PENINGKATAN KOSAKATA https://ejournal.unsrat.ac.id/v3/index.php/jefs/article/view/43449 <p>      PERSEPSI MAHASISWA TERHADAP PENGGUNAAN YOUTUBE DALAM                        PENINGKATAN KOSAKATA</p><p>                         Theresia Katiandagho¹</p><p>                           Golda J. Tulung²</p><p>                          Garryn C. Ranuntu ³</p><p> </p><p>                             ABSTRACT</p><p>   This research is entitled “Students’ Perception On the Use of YouTube to Develop Their Vocabulary”. The objective of the research is to identify, classify and describe the ways English Students use YouTube to develop their Vocabulary. It is also to analyze and describe students’ perception on using YouTube to develop their vocabulary. This research used descriptive quantitative method. The research collected the data using questionnaire and interview. The sample was 30 students’ from batch 2017 of English Department Faculty of Humanities. Thirty students’ responses were collected by online questionnaire with google-form and answer collected by online interview with Whatsapp. The collected data were quantitatively analyzed by presentage formula. Using theory Freeman and Anderson (2011: 250) and to analyze the university students’ perception about the use of YouTube to develop their vocabulary base on the theory of Nelson-Smith (2008: 32). The result showed that most of the respondents had positive responses about the use of YouTube to develop their vocabulary. Since YouTube can be used both as providing teaching resource and enhanced learning experience. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that University students have positive perceptions on the use of YouTube in the use of media YouTube is considered useful to the students at Faculty of Humanities, English Department, Sam Ratulangi University</p><p>_________________________</p><p>Keywords: University students’ perception, Learning Media, YouTube, Vocabulary</p><p> </p><p>¹ Mahasiswa yang bersangkutan</p><p>² Dosen Pembimbing Materi</p><p>³ Dosen Pembimbing Teknis</p> Theresia Katiandagho, Golda J. Tulung, Garryn Ch. Ranuntu Copyright (c) 2022 JURNAL ELEKTRONIK FAKULTAS SASTRA UNIVERSITAS SAM RATULANGI https://ejournal.unsrat.ac.id/v3/index.php/jefs/article/view/43449 Sun, 07 Aug 2022 00:00:00 +0800 ANALISIS KOLOKASI DAN SET DALAM KUMPULAN PUISI “PERIHAL GENDIS” KARYA SAPARDI DJOKO DAMONO https://ejournal.unsrat.ac.id/v3/index.php/jefs/article/view/43503 <p>ANALISIS KOLOKASI DAN SET DALAM KUMPULAN PUISI “PERIHAL GENDIS”                    KARYA SAPARDI DJOKO DAMONO</p><p>                         Marselina Dogouru¹</p><p>                        Femmy Lumempouw²</p><p>                           Anatje Palit³</p><p>                       </p><p>                            ABSTRACT</p><p>   This research entitled “Analysis of Collocations and Sets in the Poetry Collection “About Gendis” By Sapardi Djoko Damono”. This study aims to identify, classify, and analyze the collocations and sets found in the collection of poetry “About Gendis” by Sapardi Djoko Damono using the theory of Abdul Chaer (2014). The method used in this research in descriptive qualitative research method. The data was obtained from the book collection of poems “About Gendis”. The results of the research on collocations and sets in the collection of poetry “About Gendis” by Sapardi Djoko Damono, show that there are 191 collocation groups and 60 sets. It is called collocation because words that collocate usually feel in the same location or side by side, then the set groups if made in a new sentence can replace each other or be substituted if it is made in a new sentence. This writing is expected to provide benefits, both theoretically and practically. Theoretically, this research can contribute to improve the knowledge of linguistics, especially regarding collocations and sets. From a practical point of view, researchers gain knowledge that poetry also has collocations and set, making is easier for us to know what collocations and sets look like in poetry. This research is also useful to add reference to the literature for other researchers who are interested in studying the field of semantics, especially regarding collocations and sets in poetry, and for readers to add insight, especially about collocations and sets.</p><p>Keywords: Field of Meaning, Collocation and Set, Semantic Analysis 1</p><p> </p><p>                            ABSTRAK</p><p>   Penelitian ini berjudul “Analisis Kolokasi dan Set dalam Kumpuluan Puisi “Perihal Gendis” Karya Sapardi Djoko Damono”. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi, mengklasifikasi, dan menganalisis kolokasi dan set yang ditemukan dalam kumpulan puisi “Perihal Gendis” karya Sapardi Djoko Damono dengan menggunakan teori Abdul Chaer (2014). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Data diperoleh dari buku kumpulan puisi “Perihal Gendis”. Hasil dari penelitian tentang kolokasi dan set dalam kumpulan puisi “Perihal Gendis” karya Sapardi Djoko Damono, menunjukkan bahwa ada 191 golongan kolokasi dan 60 golongan set. Dikatakan kolokasi karena kata-kata yang berkolokasi biasanya berada pada lokasi yang sama atau saling berdampingan, selanjutnya golongan set jika dibuat dalam kalimat baru dapat saling menggantikan atau disubtitusikan jika dibuat dalam kalimat baru. Penulisan ini diharapkan dapat memberi manfaat, baik secara teoritis maupun praktis. Secara teoritis, penelitian ini dapat memberikan kontribusi untuk meningkatkan ilmu tentang linguistik, khususnya mengenai kolokasi dan set. Dari segi praktis peneliti mendapatkan pengetahuan bahwa dalam puisi juga memiliki kolokasi dan set, sehingga memudahkan kita untuk mengetahui seperti apa itu kolokasi dan set dalam puisi. Penelitian ini juga bermanfaat untuk menambah referensi kepustakaan bagi peneliti lain yang tertarik untuk mengkaji bidang semantik, khususnya mengenai kolokasi dan set pada puisi, dan bagi para pembaca untuk menambah wawasan khususnya mengenai kolokasi dan set.</p><p>Kata kunci: Medan Makna, Kolokasi dan Set, Semantik Analisis</p> Marselina Dogouru, Femmy Lumempouw, Anatje T. Palit Copyright (c) 2022 JURNAL ELEKTRONIK FAKULTAS SASTRA UNIVERSITAS SAM RATULANGI https://ejournal.unsrat.ac.id/v3/index.php/jefs/article/view/43503 Tue, 13 Sep 2022 00:00:00 +0800 KALIMAT TANYA DALAM BAHASA INGGRIS DAN BAHASA TOMBULU (SUATU ANALISIS KONTRASTIF) https://ejournal.unsrat.ac.id/v3/index.php/jefs/article/view/43644 <p>    KALIMAT TANYA DALAM BAHASA INGGRIS DAN BAHASA TOMBULU</p><p>                (SUATU ANALISIS KONTRASTIF)</p><p>                     Ellyezar Mangimbulur1</p><p>                     Donald R. Lotulung2</p><p>                     Theresia M. C. Lasut3</p><p>                    </p><p>                          ABSTRACT</p><p>   This research is entitled “Interrogative Sentences in English and Tombulu Language (A Contrastive Analysis)”. This research is an attempt to analyze, describe and contrast English and Tombulu language which focuses on the interrogative sentences in relation to their forms and functions in both languages. The theories used in this research are Aarts (2001) theory to find out forms and functions of interrogative sentence and Lado’s (1957) theory to contrast and analyze the interrogative sentences in English and Tombulu language to find out the differences and similarities between both languages. The data of English language were collected from two books entitled English Syntax and Argumentation and English Syntactic Structures, whereas the data of Tombulu language were taken from four native speakers as informants who were born and live in Pinaras, North Sulawesi. The results of this study show that English and Tombulu language have differences as well as similarities. There are three similarities and seven differences between both languages. English and Tombulu language have similarities in the form of interrogative sentences, namely yes/no interrogatives, wh-interrogatives, alternative interrogatives and rhetorical question. English and Tombulu language have the same question word, which is in front of the sentence. Both languages also have the same function of question word. English and Tombulu language have different forms of yes/no interrogatives. English has a tag-question while Tombulu does not. The difference in the number of question word in the two languages, English language has eight while Tombulu only has six forms of question word. English has its own question words for the subject and object, while Tombulu language only has one question word for both. Tombulu language has its own question word to ask about numbers, while English does not. However, in English there is question word to ask a polite question.</p><p>Keywords: Interrogative Sentence, English, Tombulu Language, Contrastive Analysis</p><p>1 Mahasiswa yang bersangkutan</p><p>2 Dosen Pembimbing Materi</p><p>3 Dosen Pembimbing Teknik</p> Ellyezar Mangimbulur, Donald R. Lotulung, Theresia M.C Lasut Copyright (c) 2022 JURNAL ELEKTRONIK FAKULTAS SASTRA UNIVERSITAS SAM RATULANGI https://ejournal.unsrat.ac.id/v3/index.php/jefs/article/view/43644 Thu, 22 Sep 2022 00:00:00 +0800