JURNAL ILMU ADMINISTRASI (JIA) 2014-12-08T08:50:54+08:00 Prof. Dr. Patar Rumapea, M.Si Open Journal Systems administrasi, sosial Kajian Kualitas Pelayanan Tera Ulang Meter Taksi Pada Unit Pelaksana Teknis Dinas Metrologi Dinas Perindustrian Dan Perdagangan Provinsi Sulawesi Utara 2014-12-08T08:50:54+08:00 Affandi Rahim John Hein Goni Abstract: The aim of this study is to determine and describe the quality of service of taxi meter  re-calibration in Metrology technical service unit North Sulawesi Province. So far, there is no success parameters that can be used as a reference service that the service has been provided by either or even vice-versa. Method used in this study was a qualitative method using a qualitative descriptive approach. The data was collected by observation, interviews and documentation obtained from the informants in this study, namely the five informants as a taxi driver and data was synchronized with the chief executive office of metrology unit, taxi manager, and executive officers re- calibration. Results and discussion showed total of armada taxi meter re- calibration in UPTD Metrologi as much as 315 unist. Total re-calibration in 2011 that qualified for the test on re-calibration statue valid and legal based UU No. 2 tahun 1981 about metrologi legal as much as 268 units, and not qualified as much as 47 units, among 20 armadas deviate from the technical provision, ie mileage shown over allowed toleranted is 4 % of mileage that had been tested so that could harm the consumen taxi users. 17 armadas damaged and in garage. Conclusions in this research is taxi meter company that operating in North Sulawesi Province not obey yet the rule that on law’s requirement except the Blue Bird company as national company that had been applied trade and nexus law. Otherwise the company not applied a tight rules against taxi meter usage so that transaction the drivers between the pasengers use agreement (mouth argo). There are unformity tariff between one company and the other company. So that make the consumen taxi services users confused. This case not justified  on  UU No. 2 tahun  1981 about Metrology legal. Keywords : Quality of taxi meter Re-Calibration 2012-12-14T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) Peranan Komunikasi Organisasi dalam Peningkatan Kualitas Pelayanan di Kecamatan Bolaang Itang Barat Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow Utara 2014-12-08T08:50:54+08:00 Amna Diana Johny Lumolos Abstract: The aims of this study are to know the role of organizational communication in the improvement of service quality in the West Bolang Itang District, the impact of organizational communication satisfaction, and the factors supporting the communication services organization in the process. The method used in this study put more emphasis on qualitative research methods. The instruments used in this study were a list of questions with emphasis on the various lists of questions that have been circulated to the informant in a structured or unstructured. The data collection techniques were observation and interviews. The observation was conducted in a participatory manner, in which researchers directed the targeted research communities. The analytical techniques used in this study were more emphasis on qualitative analysis.  From this study it can be concluded that a) the role of organizational communication in the organization's service process can be applied through the relationship between superiors and subordinates, to maximize the timeliness of the work, affecting the attitude of openness subordinates in performing duties, affecting the administrative service, increasing the level of professionalism through education, and maximize the implementation of the discipline, b) good organizational communication satisfaction can affect the quality of service that can be seen from the procedure of service satisfaction, satisfaction in meeting the requirements of the various forms of service, satisfaction in the provision of cost of service, and satisfaction with services completion time, c) factors that supports communication between other organizations through service accountability, transparency of service, knowledge and skill factors and factors of discipline in conducting the service. It can be suggested that it is necessary to create  a good working relationship between superior and subordinate, between subordinates with subordinates as well as between the parties nor the providers of service recipients, as well as a need for improvement in facilities and infrastructure to support the intensity of service activity. Keywords: role of organizational communication, service quality 2012-12-14T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) Kajian Sistem dan Posedur Manajemen Persediaan Barang Milik Negara Pada Lembaga Penjaminan Mutu Pendidikan Gorontalo 2014-12-08T08:50:54+08:00 Iskandar Zulkarnain Baga Willy F Pesoth Absrtact The purpose of this study was to obtain a picture of how the implementation and Inventory of State Property, as well as how to assess whether the fixed assets and inventories are in line with Government Regulation No. 6 of 2006 on the management of state property / area. The research was conducted at the Agency for Education Quality Assurance of Gorontalo. The data used in this study was secondary data, namely implementation of Recording Fixed Assets and Inventory of State Property Authority which implemented by User and Administrator of Goods as well as Good Inspection Reports conducted by the Inspectorate of the Ministry of Education and Culture. The methodology used in this study was a descriptive approach. The study description was intended to create a systematic, factual and accurate information on the facts and the properties of certain populations, and because of the use of qualitative data in descriptive study, most of the data rely on the written words or behavior, and interviews that can be observed from the informants. An in-depth interview was conducted to 15 informants referred to the Head of Sub Division of General and Section Chief and staff. The results of this study show that the Recording of Fixed Assets and Inventory of State Property held by the Goods user authority, the Board of Goods was not fully in accordance with Government Regulation No. 6 Year 2006 on the Management of Goods, while the report and the procurement of goods, the administration of goods, adherence to applicable regulations, and the assessment of effectiveness and assessment of achievement of the program , have not been done thorough audit of the items that would produce the number of the existing units, and the value of in rupiah against the goods. The assessment property and equipment was done using the cost method, and the assessed value. The assessment of supplies has not been implemented. Keywords: Assessment System and Procedure, Property Inventory Management Copyright (c) Kajian Dampak Promosi Terhadap Tingkat Penjualan Produk Selular PT. Bakrie Telecom Esia-Manado 2014-12-08T08:50:54+08:00 Hadi Prestasi Eddy Mantjoro Abstract: The objectives of the research are to determine the impact on the level of sales promotions. Methodology used in this research is qualitative descriptive which described it in detail starting from the general conditions to the promotion and implementation of how the volume of sales at PT. Bakrie Telecom Esia-Manado. The number of sample was 30 respondentscoposed of the Sale and respondents (Owner Counter), civil servants, private employees, students, housewives. To get data we used a structured interview instrument that is directed at informants. Analysis of data from data collection, data classification, data display, to the inference. To prove the results of the study is strengthened by data on the interview, sales volume, and promotions conducted by PT. Bakrie Telecom Esia-Manado. The results showed that the  mobile card products PT. Bakrie Telecom Esia-Manado is quite good, especially at the rate or rates of use cellular card. When compared with the rate of its peers are much cheaper there even in the development of new program bundling with other vendor phone  Blackberry, Samsung, HTC, Alcatel, Iphone. Promotion is done is not maximized, it is indicated there are still many people not familiar with the products produced by the company. an effect on the level of sales promotion cellular cards PT. Bakrie Telecom Esia-Manado. Visible indication that the increase in sales in each quartile for the three years 2010 to the third quartile of 2011sebesar 1%, this happens because of promotion and advertising firm is not maximized. From the research it can be concluded that sales promotion of PT. Bakrie Telecom Esia-Manado indicated there is an impact. For that the company should be able to make the scale of priorities is the promotion and advertising so that people know the products marketed by the company. Primarily engaged in the promotion of the price offered, because it is owned by the company's advantage. Key word: promotion, product sales 2012-12-14T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) Strategi Peningkatan Penerimaan Daerah Melalui Pendapatan Asli Daerah Dari Retribusi Di Kota Manado.. 2014-12-08T08:50:54+08:00 Mario M Lumi patar rumapea Abstract: This study aimed to: (1). Knowing the condition of acceptance of Manado City area primarily sourced from levy sources of revenue. (2) Determine strategy to increase revenue from the levy in the city of Manado. The methodology used in this study is a qualitative method in which the research method was used to examine the condition of natural objects (as his opponent is an experiment) where the researcher is a key instrument, conducted the data collection techniques triangulation (combined) and data analysis is inductive. The results showed revenue is a real contribution given by the local community to support the autonomous status granted to the area. Improved performance of Original Region Revenue through a levy can be done by improving the administration of local revenues, as well as through regulatory reform local taxation and levies. Levies in the city of Manado has undergone significant improvement by increasing the number and activity of domestic activities. Suggestions that may be filed as follows: in order to prioritize efforts to increase revenue by evaluating and improving systems that have been implemented, because it still has considerable prospects and potential and Inviting community participation so as to help provide a source of information material in order to periodically evaluate the level of development in general revenue levy, particularly regarding pay resources and increase public service efficiency Key Words: Strategy For Regional Increase Acceptance, Original Region Revenue 2012-12-14T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) Analisis Faktor-Faktor Penyebab Pengunduran Diri Karyawan Waktu Tertentu Pada PT. Sinar Pure Foods International 2014-12-08T08:50:54+08:00 Max Pangkey Absract. This study aims to determine the factors that cause employees out of the company. Many factors cause the employee to stay or leave the company. The samples in this study were 245 of the 980 employees who resigned in 2010. Data collection instrument in this study is a research field and library research. while the data analysis carried out in three lines of activity simultaneously, namely data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. The results show the main reason for resigning employees are: wages, welfare and benefits 31%, work environment 26%, personality19%, housing 14% and 10% of families. Step Strategy for managing employee turnover include: preventif stage; planning manpower requirements, selection of mature, a clear orientation obligations and rights, good administration,  stages of early warning; employee opinion surveys, guidance and communication, and quality control supervisor: Stages of handling and maintanance: reward and punishment as well as the efforts and activities to retain employees.Keywords: Resignation, employee Turnover, Temporary Employment Secara garis besar terdapat dua jenis karyawan dalam suatu perusahaan, yakni karyawan kontrak dan karyawan tetap. Karyawan kontrak didasarkan pada pasal 59 Undang Undang Ketenakerjaan No 13 tahun 2003 dan Keputusan Menteri Tenaga Kerja No. Kep.100/MEN/VI/2004. Dalam penjelasan pasal 59 ayat (l) dan (2) menyebutkan bahwa suatu pekerjaan yang dikategorikan sebagai pekerjaan yang bersifat tetap, bisa masuk dalam kategori pekerjaan musiman apabila tergantung cuaca atau pekerjaan itu dibutuhkan karena adanya suatu kondisi tertentu, sehingga dapat menjadi objek Perjanjian Kerja Waktu Tertentu (PKWT). Kebijakan pasar kerja fleksibilitas merupakan salah satu konsep kunci dari kebijakan perbaikan iklim investasi dan fleksibilitas tenaga kerja (Agusmidah, 2009). Kebijakan pasar kerja fleksibilitas tersurat dalam UU 13/2003 pasal 59 mengenai PKWT, Inpres No 3 Tahun 2006 tentang paket kebijakan perbaikan iklim investasi paket ke-4 mengenai ketenagakerjaan dalam kebijakan menciptakan iklim hubungan industrial yang mendukung perluasan lapangan kerja (Akatiga-Fspmi-Fes, 2010). aKepmen Depnakertrans No 101 dan 220 Tahun 2004, Inpres No. 1 tahun 2010 tentang percepatan pelaksanaan prioritas pembangunan nasional prioritas ke-7 program sinkronisasi kebijakan ketenagakerjaan dan iklim usaha. Fleksibilitas hubungan kerja merupakan gejala yang telah mendunia, berkembang seiring dengan perkembangan globalisasi, liberalisasi, dan pasar bebas (Agusmidah (2009). Fleksibilitas hubungan kerja inilah yang telah menjadi dasar dalam strategi perusahaan di bidang ketenagakerjaan.Max Pangkey adalah Dosen Program Studi Administrasi Bisnis Fisip Unsrat 2012-12-14T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) Kajian Kebijakan dan Program Peningkatan Ekonomi Lokal Di Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan 2014-12-08T08:50:54+08:00 Riane Johnly Pio Abstract. This study aims to determine the regulations and policies relating to the activities of Small Business, small business contribution to economic growth since the autonomy to implement, and support for small business development in South Minahasa regency. This study used a survey technique, with a population of small businesses in South Minahasa regency. Sample was determined by 30 small business units in six districts with a proportional amount specified villages. While institutions in the survey who had close links with the coaching and development of small businesses. The results indicate the regulations and policies related to various economic activities, more people includes regulations related to the effort to obtain and increase local revenue. Small business enough to contribute to economic growth, particularly in moving the economy to fulfill the basic needs. Realization of government assistance for small business development is still lacking. Although the natural resources in the South Minahasa district has good potential as a driver economic capital, but if not managed wisely hard drives the local economy. Regulations relating to wider access for small business development must be accommodated and encouraged.  Keywords: Local Autonomy, Local Economy, Small Business 2012-12-14T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) Implementasi Pengelolaan Barang Milik Negara di Pengadilan Tinggi Agama Manado 2014-12-08T08:50:54+08:00 Sambudi . Donald A Rumokoy Abstract: The aimed of this research are to mechanism and implementation of the management of the State Property at the Manado Religious/ Family High Court. Under the qualitative approach, the data were collected through observation and interview. The informants were selected using the purposive sampling technique which specifically targeted the managers and the staff of the General Sub-Division and the Finance Sub-Division of the Manado Religious/Family High Court, as well the Property Treasurer who also acts as the Accounting Management System State Property administrator. Secondary data of from documents that have anything to do with focus issues were also collected from the Manado Religious/Family High Court. Data were then analyzed descriptively by examining the interview results and related documents. These data were further compared with the result of the field observation on the real practice of the management of the State Property at the research location. It can be concluded that administratively, the mechanism of the management of state property at the Manado Religious/ Family High Court has run well according to the respective regulations. The implementation, however, is still below the stated standard. It is recommended that in order to overcome the problems suggested in the findings, the controlling mechanism by the top leaders at the Manado Religious/ Family High Court should be maximized, coordinations between the the managers and staff should be intensified, and ultimately, the leaders of Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia should be more active in communicationg and socializing the rules and regulations on the management of state property to the leaders of the sub-ordinating courts leaders/managers. Key words: Implementation, State Property management 2012-12-14T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) Kajian Implementasi Rekruitmen Pejabat Struktural Pada Jabatan Karir Pegawai Negeri Sipil di Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow Utara 2014-12-08T08:50:54+08:00 Sarfan Tabo patar rumapea Absrtact: The purpose of this study was to describe, analyze, and interpret: 1). Competencies and skills of structural, 2). Recruitment process of structural, 3). Constraints encountered in implementation of the recruitment of structural. This study is a qualitative research through observation, interviews and documentation. Methods of analysis was performed by qualitative data analysis techniques. The results show that the competence and expertise possessed by each employee was still low, because of most the Class III employees were recruited, but was dominated by the functional employee, such as teachers, doctors and nursing. There were some positions to be filled in the structural level that have not been occupied, because no employees were eligible for the positions, particularly with respect to rank. In addition, the competence of the recruited employees, have not been met. However, when viewed from the other side, that the authority is generally performed when a person who occupies a particular position can not afford to run a good job, so the Government Regulation No. 9 of 2003 can be implemented. This has been one of the Regents authority. It can be concluded that there were three major obstacles in the implementation of structural recruitment of officials in the District of North Bolaang Mongondow, namely human resources, conditions of employment facilities, and work programs that provide such a huge impact on the performance of the institution. North Bolaang Mongondow Regency has limited capacity of the division of human resources that are competent, ie the number of local government officials that were recruited were not based on the analysis of the needs of each Unit (SKPD), and also the competence and skills did not become the main consideration in the recruitment process. It is thus recommended to optimize the process of recruiting officials in North Bolaang Mongondow Regency necessary to optimize the implementation of Government Regulation No. 13 of 2003, as well as provide input to the head area as the party's decision to give a person to occupy certain positions. Key Words:The Recruitment in the Bureaucracy Structural Post, Officer Resource Development 2012-12-14T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) Pengaruh Otonomi Daerah Terhadap Percepatan Pembangunan Infrastruktur di Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow Utara 2014-12-08T08:50:54+08:00 Muhammad Tang Cora Donald A Rumokoy Abstract: North Bolaang Mongondow Regency formed as a result of the nuances of reform and regional autonomy. North Bolaang Mongondow with its existence as an expansion are after the implementation of regional autonomy, the maters that were examined in this study was: how much influence among the variables of human resources, financial resources/funding, policy development to variable acceleration of infrastructure development in North Bolaang Mongondow. The research method used was research using both primary and secondary data, by dividing the questionnaire and secondary data collection agencies. Inference and descriptive statistics used in this research is simple regression and multiple regressions. Respondents totaled 75 people, drawn by simple random sampling. The results of this study show that there are significant human resource affect toward infrastructure acceleration; the higher the human resource, then, the better the acceleration of the development. there are significant financial resources impact on infrastructure acceleration; the higher the financial resources, then, the faster the infrastructure acceleration is. There are significant effects of the development policy toward the infrastructure acceleration; the higher the development policy, then, the better the infrastructure acceleration.  It is advised that human resource should be improved and developed through civil service recruitment with accurate competition and qualification, technical tutor related to infrastructure acceleration, and incentive to existing employees. Besides, there should be researches done in relation to financial resources aspects in North Bolaang Mongondow Region in order to infrastructure development acceleration. There also should be further researches especially about divisions of development policies between the development done by both legislative and executive government. Key Words: Human Resources, financial resources, policy development, acceleration of infrastructure development 2012-12-14T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c)