Di Kabupaten Morowali Utara pada area permukiman masih terdapat kawasan kumuh dimana apabila tidak mendapat perhatian akan memengaruhi pembangunan daerah dan tingkat kesejahteraan penduduk. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan melihat isu kekumuhan yang belum ditangani secara komprehensif oleh pemerintah kabupaten. Lokasi penelitian ditentukan di Tiga kelurahan dan satu desa yaitu kelurahan Kolonodale, kelurahan Bahoue, kelurahan Bahontula dan desa Korolaki kecamatan Petasia kabupaten Morowali Utara. Secara administratif lokasi penelitian ini berada di pusat ibu kota kabupaten Morowali Utara. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian ini berfokus pada kondisi kehidupan di wilayah tersebut, kondisi bangunan, maupun sarana dan prasarananya. Analisis data menggunakan metode analisis pembobotan (skoring). Berdasarkan hasil dan evaluasi diketahui bahwa lokasi penelitian masuk dalam kategori kumuh ringan berdasarkan aspek-aspek tingkat kekumuhan yaitu terdiri dari kondisi bangunan, kondisi jalan lingkungan, kondisi penyediaan air minum, kondisi drainase lingkungan, kondisi pengelolaan air limbah, kondisi pengelolaan persampahan, kondisi proteksi kebakaran , legalitas lahan. Dan yang menjadi faktor dominan terjadinya kekumuhan adalah kondisi bangunan yang ada di daerah pinggir pantai ataupun yang dibangun diatas laut dimana bangunan berdiri secara tidak beraturan dan dibangun di tempat yang tidak semestinya menyebabkan kawasan tersebut menjadi semrawut dan kumuh.
Kata Kunci: Evaluasi, Permukiman Kumuh, Tingkat Kekumuhan
In North Morowali Regency, particularly residential areas, there are still slum areas which, if not given attention, will affect regional development and the level of welfare of the population. Based on this issue, this research was conducted by looking at slum issues that have not been handled comprehensively by the local government. The research locations were selected in three sub-districts and one village, namely Kolonodale sub-district, Bahoue sub-district, Bahontula sub-district and Korolaki village, Petasia sub-district, North Morowali district. Administratively, the research location is in the center of the capital city of North Morowali district. This study used descriptive qualitative method. This research focuses on the living conditions in the area, the condition of the buildings, as well as the facilities and infrastructure. Data analysis used the method of weighting analysis (scoring). Based on the results and evaluation, it is found that the research location is included in the moderate slum category based on aspects of the slum level, consists of building conditions, environmental road conditions, drinking water supply conditions, environmental drainage conditions, wastewater management conditions, solid waste management conditions, fire protection conditions. , land legality. And what is the dominant factor in the occurence of slums is the condition of the buildings on the beach or those built on the sea where the buildings stand irregularly and are built in places that shouldn't cause the area to become unclean and undevelop.
Key words: Evaluation, Slum, Level of Slum, Scoring
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