
  • Putri Riska Sugiarti
  • Andarita Rolalisasi
  • Mufidah





Kabupaten Sidoarjo memiliki peningkatan jumlah penduduk, yang berdampak pada jumlah timbulan sampah yang diproduksi. Upaya Pemerintah Kabupaten Sidoarjo dalam mengatasi hal tersebut dengan fasilitas pengelolaan sampah, salah satunya Tempat Pengolahan Sampah Terpadu (TPST). TPST yang telah terbangun dan tersebar masih belum berjalan secara optimal. Hal ini disebabkana oleh beberapa faktor, salah satunya mengenai persyaratan terbangunnya TPST dan juga sarana dan prasarana yang masih kurang optimal dan memadahi. Tujuan adanya penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengkaji terhadap kesesuaian TPST yang tersebar berdasarkan persyaratan TPST pada Peraturan Menteri Pekerjaan Umum No. 03/PRT/M/2013. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu deskripif. Data diperoleh dari observasi, lapangan, dan wawancara, serta studi literatur dan dinas terkait. Hasil kajian tersebut menjelaskan bahwa TPST di Kabupaten Sidoarjo masih perlu adanya pemerhatian peningkatan kegiatan operasional baik meliputi sarana prasarana dan pengolahan pemeliharaan pengolahan sampah agar TPST dapat berjalan secara optimal dan bersifat keberlanjutan.


Kata Kunci: TPST, Sarana Prasarana, Persyaratan Teknis, Fasilitas




Sidoarjo Regency has an increase in population, which has an impact on the amount of waste generation produced. The efforts of the Sidoarjo Regency Government in overcoming this problem with waste management facilities, one of which is the Integrated Waste Treatment Plant (TPST). TPST that has been built and spread is still not running optimally. This is caused by several factors, one of which is regarding the requirements for the construction of TPST and also facilities and infrastructure that are still not optimal and crowded. The purpose of this study is to examine the suitability of TPST spread based on TPST requirements in the Minister of Public Works Regulation No. 03 / PRT / M / 2013. The research method used is descriptive. Data were obtained from observation, field, and interviews, as well as literature studies and related agencies. The results of the study explained that TPST in Sidoarjo Regency still needs attention to improve operational activities, both including infrastructure facilities and processing, maintenance, waste management so that TPST can run optimally and be sustainable.


Keywords: TPST, Infrastructure, Technical Requirements, Facilities





How to Cite

Sugiarti, P. R., Rolalisasi, A., & Mufidah. (2024). KAJIAN TEMPAT PENGOLAHAN SAMPAH TERPADU DI KABUPATEN SIDOARJO. MEDIA MATRASAIN, 21(1), 57–62. https://doi.org/10.35793/matrasain.v21i1.56045

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