
  • J.F. Lisa Kepel Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department of Sam Ratulangi University Manado
  • Elfrida Iriani Marpaung Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department of Sam Ratulangi University Manado
  • Jenny Joan Pandaleke Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department of Sam Ratulangi University Manado


ABSTRACT: COPD is one of the most important causes of death in the world. This disease is the fourth
leading cause of death in the United States and is expected to become the third leading cause of death in the world
by 2020. The prevalence of COPD increases dramatically with age, and COPD accompanied by chronic
respiratory failure can be considered a geriatric condition. Each year, this disease significantly burdens the
national health care system. The research method used is an observational study through observation of patients.
Because the patient is a geriatric patient, we conducted a CGA (Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment) and found
several things that lead patients to geriatric syndrome such as infection, Mild Frailty, insomnia and Malnutrition.
Rehabilitation carried out on patients is superficial heat modality therapy, namely infrared. Infrared is one of the
superficial heat therapy modalities used as a clinical physical therapy tool by utilizing the heat effects of infrared
radiation. Infrared light is an electromagnetic wave emission with a wavelength of 760 nm-1 mm which produces
heat when absorbed. Infrared light used in medical therapy is a type of infrared with a wavelength of 770-1500
nm (near-infrared). In occupational therapy, to reduce energy expenditure and oxygen consumption during
activities, so that patients are able to perform ADL independently (without dyspnea or fatigue) can be done with
the correct body position, adjustment of activities with breathing patterns, planning and prioritizing
activities/work. In the psychological subunit, psychologists provide mental support, motivation, and cognitive
behavioral therapy for patients and families to increase participation in rehabilitation programs, reduce anxiety,
depression, and increase physical activity of patients.

