JURNAL MEDIK DAN REHABILITASI 2024-10-14T16:42:14+08:00 Dr. dr. Joudy Gessal, SpKFR-K Open Journal Systems <strong>JURNAL MEDIK DAN REHABILITASIÂ DITERBITKAN OLEH:</strong><br /><strong>Program Studi Ilmu Kedokteran Fisik dan Rehabilitasi Fakultas Kedokteran UNSRAT</strong><br />Bekerjasama dengan<br /><strong>Fakultas Kedokteran UNSRAT</strong> Medical Rehabilitation in Geriatric Patient with Post Right Total Knee Arthoplasty 2024-10-14T16:11:09+08:00 Hendrik Kandamy Elfrida Iriani Marpaung Jenny Joan Pandaleke <p>Abstract : Total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is a surgical procedure that is often performed in geriatric patients with <br>advanced osteoarthritis (OA). This action aims to reduce pain, improve knee joint function, and improve mobility. <br>However, post-TKA recovery in the elderly is often more complex, requiring integrated medical rehabilitation to <br>optimize clinical outcomes and quality of life. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of medical <br>rehabilitation programs in post-TKA geriatric patients in terms of functional recovery and improvement of quality <br>of life. This study uses a qualitative method with a case study approach on a 64-year-old male patient who has <br>undergone TKA on the right knee due to advanced OA. These patients also have comorbidities such as <br>hypertension and diabetes mellitus, which adds to the complexity of postoperative recovery. Data were collected <br>through clinical observations, interviews with patients and medical personnel, and reviews of patients' medical <br>records. The medical rehabilitation process includes several major interventions, such as Transcutaneous <br>Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) for pain management, isometric exercises to increase quadriceps muscle <br>strength, as well as mobility training with the help of walkers. The results of the study showed that this medical <br>rehabilitation program provided a significant improvement in the patient's condition after a few weeks of therapy. <br>The patient's pain, which was initially measured by the Numerical Pain Scale (NPRS) at 5, decreased to 1 after <br>three weeks of therapy. In addition, the range of motion of the patient's knee joint increases from 20° to 110°, <br>allowing the patient to walk further and more stably without the help of tools. An increase in muscle strength is <br>also seen, where patients are able to perform daily activities independently, such as dressing, bathing, and walking <br>without the help of tools. The patient's Barthel Index score increased from 15 (mild dependence) to 20 (full <br>independence), which signified a significant increase in independence of daily activities. In addition to physical <br>improvements, patients also experience improvements in psychological aspects. There was a decrease in anxiety <br>and an improvement in sleep quality, which significantly contributed to an improvement in the overall quality of <br>life. The results of this study confirm that a comprehensive post-TKA medical rehabilitation approach, involving <br>a multidisciplinary team such as physiotherapists, nutritionists, and psychologists, is very effective in improving <br>the physical and mental functioning of geriatric patients. Medical rehabilitation in post-TKA geriatric patients is <br>effective in reducing pain, improving mobility, improving physical function, and overall quality of life.</p> 2024-10-14T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL MEDIK DAN REHABILITASI MEDICAL REHABILITATION IN PATIENT WITH CONGENITAL MUSCULAR TORTICOLLIS 2024-10-14T16:22:52+08:00 Hendrik Kandamy Joudy Gessal Gloria Elisabet Rondonuwu <p>ABSTRACT :. Torticollis is one of the most common types of head and neck posture abnormalities in <br>infants. The research method used is an observational study through observation of patients. The head tilted to <br>the right has been known by the patient's parents since the patient was 4 months old. Torticollis was first defined <br>by Tubby in 1912 as a deformity, either congenital or acquired, characterized by lateral tilt of the head to the <br>shoulder, with torsion in the neck and deviation of the face. The term congenital muscular torticollis (CMT) <br>indicates a neck deformity involving shortening of the sternocleidomastoid (SCM) muscle that is detected at birth <br>or shortly after birth. The term torticollis comes from Latin, from the word torquere meaning bent, and collum <br>meaning neck and is a clinical sign of a bent or twisted neck that can be acquired or congenital. Congenital <br>muscular torticollis (CMT) or also known as wry neck, fibromatosis colli and twisted neck ranks third as a <br>congenital musculoskeletal disorder in neonates after hip dislocation and clubfoot and is characterized by lateral <br>flexion of the head towards the affected side and cervical rotation to the opposite side due to unilateral shortening <br>of the sternocleidomastoid (SCM) muscle, which is detected at birth or soon after.</p> 2024-10-14T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Medical Rehabilitation in Patient with Post Operative Total Hip Arthroplasty due to Femoral Neck Fracture 2024-10-14T16:30:06+08:00 Natalia Nanlohy Joudy Gessal Gloria Elisabet Rondonuwu <p>ABSTRAK:. Fraktur hip merupakan salah satu patah tulang yang paling sering terjadi di unit gawat darurat dan <br>tim trauma ortopedi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu studi observasional ini melalui observasi pada <br>pasien. Rehabilitasi yang tepat setelah operasi total hip arthroplasty (THA) terbukti dapat memperpendek masa <br>rawat inap di rumah sakit, meningkatkan fungsi fisik, dan membantu pasien mempertahankan kehidupan sehari<br>hari yang mandiri, hasil yang mengurangi beban biaya med Lokasi persimpangan tersebut membuat leher femur <br>rentan terhadap fraktur. Pasokan darah ke kepala femur mengalir di sepanjang leher femur dan merupakan <br>pertimbangan penting dalam fraktur yang bergeser dan pada populasi yang lebih muda. Kami membalas mengenai <br>etiologi, presentasi, evaluasi, dan penanganan fraktur neck femur serta mengulas peran tim interprofesional dalam <br>mendengarkan, mendiagnosis, dan menangani kondisi ini. Untuk keterbatasan ADL, kami memberikan edukasi <br>tentang cara naik dan turun dari tempat tidur, duduk di kursi, bangkit dari kursi, naik ke atas, turun ke bawah, <br>tidak membungkuk terlalu jauh, tidak mencondongkan tubuh untuk berdiri, tidak berdiri dengan jari kaki <br>menghadap ke dalam, tidak menarik selimut ke atas, tidak menyilangkan kaki kiri, tidak duduk rendah di toilet <br>atau kursi. Kami juga memberikan edukasi tentang beberapa tindakan pencegahan setelah operasi THA.</p> 2024-10-14T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Medical Rehabilitation in Patient with Cerebral Palsy Spastic Diplegic GMFCS II, MACS II, CFCS V, EDACS III 2024-10-14T16:34:15+08:00 Natalia Nanlohy Joudy Gessal Gloria Elisabet Rondonuwu <p>Abstract : Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a group of permanent disorders of the development of movement and posture, <br>causing activity limitation, that are attributed to nonprogressive disturbances that occurred in the developing <br>fetal or infant brain. CP is the most common cause of childhood disability. The incidence is 2- 2.5/1000 live <br>births. Some affected children do not survive and the prevelance varies between 1-5/1000 babies in different <br>countries. In Indonesia, CP prevalence is 1- 5/1000 live births where as there are around 5.000-25.000 births <br>diagnosed with CP every 5 billion live births per year in Indonesia. The risk factors fall into the following <br>categories: preconception, concerning the broadly defined health and living conditions of the mother; prenatal, <br>which are related to the course of pregnancy; perinatal; as well as risk factors in the neonatal and infant period. <br>Children with CP present with three types of motor problems. The primary impairments of muscle tone, <br>balance, strength and selectivity are directly related to the damage in the CNS. CP may manifest itself <br>differently as the child ages. The modified neurologic classification system divides patients into three catagories <br>: spastic (pyramidal) CP, Dyskinetic (extrapyramidal) CP and mixed type (combination) CP. Early <br>identification of children who have CP allows for early therapeutic intervention and screening for associated <br>condition. The treatment of a child with CP requires a multidisciplinary approach. Once the diagnosis is made, <br>the infant or child should be evaluated by a comprehensive rehabilitation team. Rehabilitation of the children <br>with CP aims to reach and maintain optimal physical, sensory, intellectual, psychological and social function. <br>It includes providing the tools and individual needs to gain and maintain independence and self determination. <br>Children with CP often change overtime, due either to growth and development treatment. Various means of <br>determining change may be employed. Subjective evaluation that ask the child, parent or therapist his or her <br>opinion are most commonly used. Occasionally, more quantified techniques are employed, particularly in <br>research settings, although clinical use also occurs.</p> 2024-10-14T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 REHABILITASI MEDIS PADA PASIEN GERIATRI DENGAN EKSASERBASI AKUT 2024-10-14T16:37:51+08:00 J.F. Lisa Kepel Elfrida Iriani Marpaung Jenny Joan Pandaleke <p>ABSTRACT: COPD is one of the most important causes of death in the world. This disease is the fourth <br>leading cause of death in the United States and is expected to become the third leading cause of death in the world <br>by 2020. The prevalence of COPD increases dramatically with age, and COPD accompanied by chronic <br>respiratory failure can be considered a geriatric condition. Each year, this disease significantly burdens the <br>national health care system. The research method used is an observational study through observation of patients. <br>Because the patient is a geriatric patient, we conducted a CGA (Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment) and found <br>several things that lead patients to geriatric syndrome such as infection, Mild Frailty, insomnia and Malnutrition. <br>Rehabilitation carried out on patients is superficial heat modality therapy, namely infrared. Infrared is one of the <br>superficial heat therapy modalities used as a clinical physical therapy tool by utilizing the heat effects of infrared <br>radiation. Infrared light is an electromagnetic wave emission with a wavelength of 760 nm-1 mm which produces <br>heat when absorbed. Infrared light used in medical therapy is a type of infrared with a wavelength of 770-1500 <br>nm (near-infrared). In occupational therapy, to reduce energy expenditure and oxygen consumption during <br>activities, so that patients are able to perform ADL independently (without dyspnea or fatigue) can be done with <br>the correct body position, adjustment of activities with breathing patterns, planning and prioritizing <br>activities/work. In the psychological subunit, psychologists provide mental support, motivation, and cognitive <br>behavioral therapy for patients and families to increase participation in rehabilitation programs, reduce anxiety, <br>depression, and increase physical activity of patients.</p> 2024-10-14T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024