Perilaku Pegawai di Kantor Wilayah Kementerian Agama Provinsi Sulawesi Utara
Nurkholis Abbas
The presence of aberrant behavior by individuals in the organization of the bureaucracy is the actualization of attitude and action because of the particular motivation. Even poor behavior in the service of long standing and alleged bureaucratic apparatus, both individually and through the existing structures. This study aims to explore the meanings associated with the behavior of employees in the Ministry of Religious North Sulawesi to the scientific development in the field of resource management.Based on the results of research and discussion, the conclusion of this study is that the behavior of employees based on ability, attitude and motivation are not yet fully realize the excellent religious services to the community at the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religious North Sulawesi. So the need to improve employment through the creation of minimum service standards and standardized procedures Operations which are specified at religious services, equip employees with the ability to cultivate empathy through training service excellen, increased activity of togetherness that involves all elements of employee for strengthening attitudes that support the smooth working, increase the motivation of employees to openly implement a promotion based on merit and strict monitoring in the promotion and provision of benefits to make work motivation of employees focused on improving the performance and image of the institution. Keywords: Behavior Ability, Attitude Motivation