Jurnal Poros Teknik Mesin UNSRAT
<p>Jurnal Poros Teknik Mesin Unsrat adalah open jounal system dengan E-ISSN <a href="https://issn.brin.go.id/terbit/detail/20211109371151747" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2808-8166</a></p> <p>DOI: <a href="https://doi.org/10.35793/p.v13i1.57186">10.35793</a></p>en-USSiapa pemegang hak cipta dalam jurnal ini?poros_mesin@unsrat.ac.id (Romels Lumintang)jeff_mende@unsrat.ac.id (Jefferson Mende)Sat, 30 Nov 2024 21:55:51 +0800OJS KONVERSI ENERGI LISTRIK DARI CURAH HUJAN MELALUI TRANSDUSER PIEZOELEKTRIK BERBASIS ANSYS
<p><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong></p> <p><em>Human dependence on energy in this modern era is increasing day by day. Currently, the use of energy from non-renewable sources to meet energy needs is still quite high, namely 71%, while renewable energy is 29% (IEA, 2021). Even though the process of generating energy from non-renewable sources has a negative impact on the environment. Therefore, the utilization of renewable energy sources which are more environmentally friendly, must be maximized.</em></p> <p><em>To find out the energy generated from the desained model, a simulation through ANSYS is needed. In the simulation process with ANSYS, an additional program is needed to cover the characteristics of the piezoelectric and use the ACT extension, Piezo and MEMS extension.</em></p> <p><em>Based on the research that has been carried out, it can be concluded that for modeling rainfall with strong intensity, it is obtained that there is an electrical energy of 0,00024623 volt, a small energy conversion requires a supporting component to be used for household electrical energy.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em> : Renewable Energy, Raindrops, Piezoelectricity, ANSYS, Simulation</em></p>Jonathan Lumintang, Jotje Rantung; Benny Maluegha
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https://ejournal.unsrat.ac.id/v3/index.php/poros/article/view/59353Sat, 30 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0800PENGARUH VARIASI PARAMETER PEMOTONGAN TERHADAP PANAS YANG TERBAWA OLEH GERAM PADA MESIN FREIS HERCUS CF 7264
<p><em>The purpose of this research is to get the relationship, predict the relationship and analyze the effect of variations in cutting parameters on the heat of heat that is carried by the gristle on the HERCUS CF 7264 freis machine. This research is an experimental research, namely by conducting tests on the freis machine in the Unsrat Mechanical Engineering Laboratory by varying the cutting parameters in the form of freis machine rotation as an independent variable to obtain the heat that is carried by the slurry as the dependent variable.</em></p> <p><em> The results of the analysis of this study are from 12 tests with variations in cutting parameters in the form of freis machine rotation to the heat carried by the graver. It can be seen that the actual relationship is that with the increase in the rotation of the freis machine, the heat carried by the grind increases. The results of simple linear regression analysis obtained the regression line equation y ̂ = 47.75 + 0.095x. This shows the effect of variations in cutting parameters in the form of milling machine rotation on the heat carried by the slurry on the HERCUS 7264 milling machine which predicts that every increase in rotation of 1 rpm, the heat with the down milling feeding direction will increase by 0.095 J/min.</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: Cutting Parameters, Carried Heat by Grind, Freis Machine HERCUS CF 7264</em></p>Dalton Padangi, Rudy Poeng; Tertius Ulaan
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https://ejournal.unsrat.ac.id/v3/index.php/poros/article/view/59354Sat, 30 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0800