and Environment Journal2022-04-06T12:18:31+08:00Dr.Ir. Jooudie N. Luntungan, Journal Systems<p>Perkembangan bidang informatika memberikan peluang untuk menginformasikan hasil-hasil penelitian dalam bidang ilmu pertanian terutama yang berhubungan dengan tanah dan lingkungannya, yang dilaksanakan melalui Lembaga Pendidikan tinggi seperti Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado Sulawesi Utara Indonesia.</p> <p>Soil and Environment Journal adalah jurnal yang dikeluarkan oleh Jurusan Tanah Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sam Ratulangi, bertujuan untuk menyebarluaskan hasil penelitian yang berkaitan dengan ; pengolahan tanah, permeabilitas tanah, porositas tanah, kualitas tanah, dan kondisi lingkungan.</p> PERMEABILITAS, BOBOT ISI DAN POROSITAS PADA TANAH YANG DIOLAH DAN DIBERI PUPUK KOMPOS DI DESA TALIKURAN KECAMATAN REMBOKEN KABUPATEN MINAHASA2022-04-06T12:18:30+08:00Ardian F. M.J. Supitsupit_joice@yahoo.comYani E.B.<p>STUDY OF PERMEABILITY, BULK DENSITY AND POROSITY IN SOIL TILLAGE AND COMPOST FERTILIZED SOIL IN TALIKURAN VILLAGE, REMBOKEN DISTRICT, MINAHASA REGENCY</p><p>Soil in agriculture has a special meaning and is very important as a growing medium for agricultural businesses. The importance of identifying soil properties is to determine the state of the soil in order to improve the physical, chemical, and biological properties of the soil. Soil physical properties include texture, permeability, bulk density and soil porosity. Soil permeability indicates the ability of the soil to pass water to the bottom layer of the profile. Bulk density is an indication of the density of the soil. Total porosity is the easiest initial indicator to determine whether the soil structure is good or bad. Tillage is any mechanical manipulation of the soil aimed at creating favorable soil conditions for plant growth. Compost is organic material that has become weathered and is an organic fertilizer. The purpose of this study was to determine the porosity, bulk density and porosity of the soil treated and given compost. This study used a survey method with purposive sampling with the determination of the sample. The things that were observed were the permeability, bulk density and porosity of the soil. The results showed that: 1). the value of soil permeability varies with the fast category, with the fastest value in soil treated with 15 tons/ha compost at 48,102 cm/hour and the lowest in soil treated with 30 tons/ha compost at 27,600 cm/hour; 2). the value of bulk density varied with the lowest soil density in soil treated with compost 45 tons/ha with a value of 0.792 gr/cm3 and the highest in soil treated with compost 15 tons/ha with a value of 0.901 gr/cm3; 3). soil porosity values varied with the lowest soil porosity value being treated with compost at a rate of 15 tons/ha with a value of 65.995% and the highest in soil treated with a compost dose of 30 tons/ha with a value of 74.316%.</p>2022-02-04T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2022 Ardian F. Minangkabau, Joice M.J. Supit, Yani E.B. Kamagi SIFAT KIMIA TANAH PADA LAHAN TANAMAN BAWANG MERAH (Allium ascalonicum, L.) DI DESA TALIKURAN KECAMATAN REMBOKEN KABUPATEN MINAHASA2022-04-06T12:18:31+08:00Susance E. Tamodtamod1809@gmail.comJoice M.J.<p>IDENTIFICATION OF SOILS CHEMICAL PROPERTIES ON LAND OF SHALLOTS PLANTATION (Allium ascalonicum, L.) IN TALIKURAN VILLAGE REMBOKEN DISTRICT MINAHASA REGENCY</p><p>The research aims to identify the soil chemical properties on land of shallots plantation (Allium ascalonicum, L). The research method used is a survey method. Determining the sample by purposive sampling (based on need) in the area of shallot plantationas much as two sample (S1 and S2) and as a comparison of areas outside the Shallots Plantation area (land without tillage) as much as one sample (S3). Soil samples were taken using the composite method (zig-zag method). Analysis of soil chemical properties was carried out at the Laboratory of Chemistry and Soil Fertility, Departement of Soil. Data analysisi is tabular data analysis. The results of the identification of soil chemical properties on land of shallots plantation in Talikuran Village Remboken District Minahasa Regency showed that the degree of soil acidity (soil pH) was classified as slightly acidic, N-total soil was classified as low to moderate, P-available in the soil was classified as moderate, K-available in the soil range 24,22-25,11 ppm classified as moderate, and C-organic soil is classified as very low to low.</p>2022-02-04T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2022 Susance Isir, Zetly E. Tamod, Joice M.J. Supit PEMBERIAN PUPUK UREA TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN TANAMAN BAYAM (Amaranthus tricolor L) PADA TANAH SAWAH DI DESA RANOKETANG ATAS2022-04-06T12:18:31+08:00Angely S. J. Rondonuwujennytr2312@gmail.comTilda<p>THE EFFECT OF UREA FERTILIZER ON THE GROWTH OF SPINACH (Amaranthus Tricolor L.) in RICE SOILS IN RANOKETANG ATAS VILLAGE</p><p>This study aims to determine the effect of urea fertilizer on the growth of spinach plants in rice soils. This research was conducted in Ranoketang Atas Village, Touluaan District, Southeast Minahasa Regency. This experiment used a completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of one factor with 4 treatments of urea fertilizer doses and repeated 3 times, so there were 12 total trials. The treatment given was a dose of urea fertilizer, which consisted of 4 treatments, namely, P0= Control, P1= 100kg Urea/ha, P2= 200kg Urea/ha and P3= 300 kg Urea/ha. Observed variables included plant height, number of leaves and plant fresh weight. The data obtained were analyzed using analysis of variance with Completely Randomized Design (CRD) if there was a significant (significant) difference, it would be continued with the smallest significant difference test (BNT) at 5% level. The effect of urea fertilizer on the growth of spinach plants did not significantly affect this treatment based on the results of analysis of variance but in the treatment of urea fertilizer there was an increase in plant growth. Spinach plant height growth had the highest value in the P2 treatment (200 Kg/ha) after P0 (control). The highest number of leaves was found at P0 (control) after that in the treatment of P2 fertilizer (200 Kg/ha). And the good fresh weight of spinach plants was found in the P2 treatment (200 Kg/ha).</p>Copyright (c) 2022 Angely S. Gorung, Jenny J. Rondonuwu, Tilda Titah MULSA TERHADAP PERTAMBAHAN TINGGI TANAMAN GORAKA MERAH (Zingiber officinale, Rosc.) DI KECAMATAN TOMBARIRI2022-04-06T12:18:31+08:00Rivandy R.R. Ruitangrivandyrendy230@gmail.comJoko<p>Mulches on the Height Growth of Red Goraka (Red Ginger, Zingiber officinale, Rosc.) Plants in Tombariri District</p><p>This study documented the effect of using plastic mulch and litter mulch and the recommended dosage of PT Bintang Toejoe fertilizer on the growth of the Goraka Merah (Red Ginger) plants in Tombariri District. The study was conducted on a smallholder coconut plantation by documenting the soil profile, measuring the height (cm) of the Goraka plants in 6 treatments and 4 replicates, which was carried out every week for three months starting at the beginning Goraka growths of 21 clumps/beds in total of 24 beds. The topsoil in the Tambala study area has a clayed loam texture with a very dark brown soil color which is relatively fertile compared to its subsoil. In the beds without fertilizer, the highest growth of Goraka Merah was seen in the mulch treatment compared to the no-mulch treatment. The growth of the Red Goraka with the recommended dose of fertilizer treatment was better than the growth without fertilizer. While in fertilized conditions, the growth of Goraka with plastic mulch, litter mulch and control treatments were similar in the first three months of Goraka Red Ginger growth observations.</p>2022-03-28T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2022 Rivandy R.R. Ruitang, Joko Purbopuspito, Tilda Titah TEMBAGA, SENG, DAN BESI DALAM SEDIMEN SUNGAI BOLAANG DI DESA BAKAN BOLAANG MONGONDOW2022-04-06T12:18:31+08:00Melisa T Rombontrianimelisa26@gmail.comJoko N.<p>Content of Copper, Zinc and Iron in the Bolaang River Sediments in Bakan Bolaang Mongondow Village</p><p>Micronutrients are essential nutrients needed by organisms in low amounts/ concentrations. The purpose of this study was to determine the content of copper (Cu), zinc (Zn) and iron (Fe) and the level of pollution in the sediments of the Bolaang River based on quality standards according to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. The study was conducted in the village of Bakan, Lolayan District, Bolaang Mongondow Regency, sampling at five points on the Bolaang River was taken directly (grab sampling) and analyzed at the Environmental Biotechnology Laboratory (EBL) Bogor. There was only one sediment sample downstream river which its Cu content is under the pollution level (<32 mg Cu/kg). Two sediment samples posed toxic level below the permissible limit of 120 mg Zn/kg, i.e. The one sample at downstream and the other sample that occurring after sedimentation by meander. The result also detected that at all sampling points of Bolaang River, the Fe content of sediments in the Bolaang River are above the permissible standard pollution (40,000 mg Fe/kg) of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.</p>2022-03-29T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2022 Melisa T Rombon, Joko Purbopuspito, Jooudie N. Luntungan LOGAM BERAT TIMBAL, TEMBAGA, DAN ARSEN PADA SEDIMEN DI BENDUNGAN LOMAYA DAN BENDUNGAN ALOPOHU2022-04-06T12:18:31+08:00Mohamad Zikra S. A.<p>HEAVY METAL CONTENTS OF Pb, Cu, AND As IN SEDIMENTS OF LOMAYA AND ALOPOHU DAMS</p><p>This research determined heavy metal level of lead (Pb), Copper (Cu), and Arsenic (As) content in the sediment at Lomaya and Alopohu dams. Lomaya Dam located at Bolango Ulu Sub-district, District of Bone Bolango and Alopohu Dam at Dungalio Sub-district, district of Gorontalo. Sediment samples of Lomaya was taken at point of N 00037’70,6†E 123004’96â€, while that of Alopohu dam was taken at the coordinate of N 00033’29.5†E 122053’38.6â€. This research was conducted from April to May 2016. It reveals that the samples from both dams were contaminated with heavy metals of Pb, Cu, and As. The levels of heavy metals in Lomaya were 4,226 mg Pb/kg sediment, 1.225 mg Cu/kg sediment, and 0.148 mg As/kg sediment. Heavy metals in Alopohu dam were 4.198 mg Pb/kg, 4.225 mg Cu /kg, and 0.227 mg As/kg). The level of these three heavy metals both in Lomaya and Alopohu dams were below the allowed limit (Pb >30 mg/kg, Cu >65 mg/kg dan As >75 mg/kg). The statistical test of t test showed that the Pb level was not significantly differ from Cu level, but it was significantly different from the As level. In addition the Cu level did not significantly differ from the As level in both dams.</p>2022-03-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2022 Mohamad Zikra Asiari, Nurmi Nurmi, Fitriah S. Jamin, Muhammad A. Azis