p-ISSN : 2614-7378
e-ISSN : 2684-7426
Jurnal Ipteks Akuntansi bagi Masyarakat (JIAM) publishes research paper which is not published or under consideration on other publishers. Jurnal Ipteks Akuntansi bagi Masyarakat (JIAM) is looking for study which focus on applied accounting especially on scope of financial accounting, management accounting,finance, auditing, and taxation. The object of study could be profit or non-profit organization.
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
The article which accepted and published in Jurnal Ipteks Akuntansi bagi Masyarakat (JIAM) do not have article processing charge.
Jurnal Ipteks Akuntansi bagi Masyarakat (JIAM)Â do not have submission charge for any submitted article.
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