Abstract: Education and training aims to provide an opportunity to improve the skills and personnel in their
skills, especially in areas related to leadership or managerial required in the achievement of the objectives of
the organization. In fact the structural Training is not given to most of the ASN in Bitung city
areas Secretariat, thus causing some structural position of Echelon III
and IV Echelon structural position still held by the ASN which has yet to meet the requirements
of appropriate structural level Training position. These conditions can
cause structural officials leadership competencies to be weak or insufficient. Based on the issue of the
purpose of this research is to find out and measure the influence of the education and training of leadership
competencies to increased structural apparatus of the civil State in the Secretariat of the Regional City of
This research is exploratory research method. This usage of the intent to address education and
training Are a structural effect on the competence of the leadership
of the Civil State Apparatus in Bitung city areas Secretariat”
The results showed significant relationships had a structural Training against
the leadership competencies ASN in the Secretariat City of Bitung. It is seen from the value of the correlation
R = 0.86 turns approaching the maximum value of the correlation coefficient (1.00), and the value of the
coefficient of determination (R-square) of 0.74 has significance that the development/enhancement of
leadership competence ASN in Bitung City Area is the Secretariat of 74 or 0.74% determined/ influenced
by variable structural Training, while the rest amounted to 26% specified/ influenced by other variables.
This means that the higher the structural Training undertaken/ gained
ASN then the higher leadership competencies from the ASN concerned. Structural determination
of power have training/ significant deciding against the leadership competencies ASN in the
Secretariat City of Bitung. This means that the level of competence of the leadership of the ASN is
significantly influenced by structural Training followed/retrieved. Training structural influence on attitudes
and behavior of the ASN in carrying out the duties of their Office.
Keywords: education and training, structural, competence, leadership, Civil State Apparatus (ASN)
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