PENGARUH PENDEKATAN HUMAN RELATIONS TERHADAP KINERJA PEGAWAI (Suatu Studi Pada Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Kabupaten Halmahera Barat)

Iwan Christian Bethol, Burhanuddin Kiyai, Helly Kolondam


Abstrak: The research was conducted on the basis of initial observations location study indicated that
employee performance is still relatively low. The relatively low performance of employees is presumably
related to the implementation of human relations factors in the work environment at the Regional
Employment Board of West Halmahera. Thus, this study aims to: (1) to investigate the implementation of
human relations approach. (2) To determine the achievement of employee performance. (3) To analyze the
effect of the implementation of human relations approach to employee performance at the Regional
Employment Board West Halmahera district. By applying the method of descriptive and quantitative
approach, respondents were determined purposively sampled as many as 53 employees, then distributed a
list of questions or the questionnaire, the results are tabulated and analyzed by applying statistical
techniques. To describe the research variables used analytical technique that is processed in the percentage
of Frequency Distribution Table, while to test the hypothesis used a simple linear regression analysis and
correlation of product moment.
Once the data is collected and then analyzed the results showed that (1) Implementation of human relations
approach in working condition at the Regional Personnel Agency (BKD) West Halmahera has succeeded
in improving the performance of employees that are in the category of "high". (2) The increased
performance of employees at local staffing agency West Halmahera succession is determined or influenced
by the application of human relations approach in working condition.
Thus, it can be concluded that the hypothesis which states that "the human relations approach effect on
Employee Performance in the Regional Employment Board of West Halmahera District", acceptable
empirically at the same time justifying the underlying theories. Can be given some suggestions as follows:
(1) To optimize employee performance, it is recommended to local governments West Halmahera streamline
performance benefits are selective and controlled in order to avoid wastage of financial areas, as well as
boost employee performance itself. (2) In addition, the application of human relations approach is needed
more fused with a bureaucratic culture that is based on the culture and local wisdom to better work together
in encouraging employee performance more optimally.
Keywords: Approach Human Relations, Employee Performance

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