Margitha Mokodaser, Masje Silija Pangkey, Very Londa


Abstract: the problems that often arise in instances of Government clinics
especially in this regard contained in management functions such as planning,
organizing, implementing, and monitoring at regular intervals. Based on the
permasalahaan that occur in the context of Pererencanaan, organizing,
implementing and monitoring. Aspects of management became a very important
thing to note. Departing from the importance of the required management within
the Organization, so that the researcher is interested in lifting and discussing
and researching the title research on the management of health services at the
Clinic, and forms the Southeast Minahasa Regency Striped Subdistrict. This
study uses qualitative methods because it is done in a natural condition.
Sugiyono (2013) suggested that the research methods qualitative research
methods are used to examine the conditions of natural objects, where
researchers are as a key instrument, techniques of data collection conducted in
the combined inductive in nature, data analysis, and the results of the qualitative
research emphasizes the significance of on generalities.The number of
informants 11 people, consisting of 1 head of clinics, 1 poly head General, I head
the poly Poly 1 head gear, maternal and child health, seven patients.
Keywords: Health Services Management

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