Efektivitas Pelaksanaan Program Pengembangan UKM Di Dinas Koperasi dan Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah Kota Manado

Naritza Mirlithia Karauwan, alden Laloma, Deysi Livi Tampongangoy


Abstract: Small and medium enterprises is one of the important part of the economy of a
country or region, as well as the State of Indonesia. Small and medium businesses have an
important role in its economy of the community. However, in the development of small and
medium enterprises still seems to be hampered by a few things such as lack of capital and also the
soul of entrepreneurship. Given the small and Medium Businesses recognised as employment for
most workers, then the necessary development of partially, because as long as this does not give
maximum results against small and Medium Business performance improvements.
In this study, the researchers used a qualitative research design with a contextual
research which makes human beings as instruments, and adapted to the situation are reasonable
in relation to the collection of data.Seen from the ability of human resources Department already
owned are effective because they already provided insight on coaching and training for small and
Medium Businesses in accordance with the law, but still required construction in terms of the
sense of responsibility in order to carry out the task and his work well in improving the well-being
of small and medium businessmen rather than for personal gain, bureaucracy, or a certain type to
be reaching the goal is efficient.
Keywords: Effectiveness, development UKM
Usaha Kecil Menengah (UKM)
merupakan salah

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