THRESIA NATALIA TUPAN, Florence Daicy Lengkong, Burhanuddin Kiyai


In accordance with the issues raised then this study aims as follows: To determine the effect of education
and training on the performance of civil state employment at the Regional Personnel Board Education and
Research town bitung.
Education and Training is substantially understood as a process of increasing the potential or ability,
competence, and career of the employee / employee concerned. The dimensions of development, in addition
to increasing the potential ratios (thought, logic, IQ, competence), also include the improvement of ethics
and morality or spiritual quotience (SQ).
The general objectives of education and training programs should be directed towards improving
organizational productivity. This general objective can be achieved if a specific goal can be realized first.
This research is explorative. The results of the study show a significant association of education and training
on ASN work performance in the Regional Personnel Board, PP Kota Bitung. It can be seen from the
correlation value of R = 0.68 is close to the maximum correlation coefficient coefficient (1.00) and the
coefficient of determination (R-square) 0,46 has significant development / improvement of ASN work
performance in Badan Kepegawaian Kota Bitung 46 or 0, 46% is determined / influenced by education and
training variables, while the remaining 54% is determined / influenced by other variables. This means that
the higher the education and training are done later the ASN work performance is higher. The conclusions
of education and training have been significant on the performance of ASN in Regional Personnel Agency,
PP Kota Bitung. Education and training influences on ASN attitudes and behaviors that perform their office
Keywords: Education and training, job performance, State civil apparatus (ASN)

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