Improvement and empowerment of community resources in a planned and systematic way will greatly
affect the improvement of people's welfare in Tompaso Barat District. This study uses quantitative research,
which is trying to answer the magnitude of the effect of variables Empowering Small and Medium
Enterprises to the Welfare Society.
The data were collected with careful observation, including questionnaires in detailed contexts and
in-depth interviews, as well as analysis results. Descriptive Statistics describes the mean and standard
deviation of the dependent and independent variables, the average public welfare being 31.87 means with
the standard deviation of 2,980. The average empowerment is 28.70 means with the standard deviation of
2,902. Contribution of empowerment variable to welfare is obtained 48,0% it means that variation of society
prosperity change also influenced by variation of change of empowerment variable and the rest equal to
52,0% which influenced by other factor. By empowering Small and Medium Enterprises in West Tompaso
Subdistrict will affect the welfare of the community as well as increase economic growth in each village.
Keywords: Small and Medium Enterprise Empowerment, Public welfare
affect the improvement of people's welfare in Tompaso Barat District. This study uses quantitative research,
which is trying to answer the magnitude of the effect of variables Empowering Small and Medium
Enterprises to the Welfare Society.
The data were collected with careful observation, including questionnaires in detailed contexts and
in-depth interviews, as well as analysis results. Descriptive Statistics describes the mean and standard
deviation of the dependent and independent variables, the average public welfare being 31.87 means with
the standard deviation of 2,980. The average empowerment is 28.70 means with the standard deviation of
2,902. Contribution of empowerment variable to welfare is obtained 48,0% it means that variation of society
prosperity change also influenced by variation of change of empowerment variable and the rest equal to
52,0% which influenced by other factor. By empowering Small and Medium Enterprises in West Tompaso
Subdistrict will affect the welfare of the community as well as increase economic growth in each village.
Keywords: Small and Medium Enterprise Empowerment, Public welfare
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