Summary: Planning is the first and most vital stage of development. Development planning is the main determinant of
successful development that will be done within a country. Good planning and maturation will give birth to good results as
well. Therefore, in development planning must involve all parties in it not as objects but as subjects in the implementation
of development. In planning the development of the very need of public participation.
Participation is a bridge between government policy and the interests of the community, so that regional planning should
be done with a bottom-up model or so-called participatory planning. Participatory planning is planning that aims to involve
the interests of the people, and in the process involves the people (both direct and indirect) but in reality the planning itself
is still mostly done from the top (top down planning). This study aims to determine how the level of community participation
in development planning. This research was conducted in Kecamatan Ibu Selatan Halmahera Barat District. The research
uses descriptive method with qualitative approach. Based on the results of interviews that have been done shows that
community participation in development planning is still in the form of ideas and thoughts of ideas and suggestions. Need
to do a deeper socialization to the community, so that the community is more active in the development planning that will
be done in the future.
Keywords. Society participation
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