Education is one of the areas that get serious attention from the government, because education is
one important aspect in national development, without any definite education the state will not have the
level of competition in the international world. Teachers as educators contain a very broad meaning, not
limited to providing teaching materials, but to reach ethics and aesthetic behavior in facing the challenges
of life in society. As teachers, teachers should have a mature teaching plan. Teaching planning is closely
related to various elements such as teaching objectives, teaching materials, learning activities, teaching
methods, and evaluation. With creativity and competence, besides mastering the material and can process
the learning program, teachers are also required to carry out evaluation and administration. The ability of
teachers to develop the learning process and their mastery of teaching materials is not enough. The ability
of teachers in mastering the class is balanced with the ability to evaluate the students' competency planning
that is crucial in the context of the next planning, or policy of treatment of students related to the concept
of complete learning. The method used in this research is qualitative research method. Through education
is expected to improve the dignity of Indonesian society both nationally and internationally. Quality of
service is a dynamic state that is closely related to products, services, human resources, and processes and
environments that at least can meet or even exceed the quality of service expected. This study aims to
determine how the quality of education services in Elementary School (SD) Inpres Kolongan District Kombi
Minahasa District. The result of the research shows that the quality of service in SD Inpres Kolongan is still
less good because of the lack of supervision from the headmaster in this case the principal, the lack of
facilities and infrastructure, the lack of assertiveness of the principal headmaster in giving disciplinary
sanction to teachers who often come late or not timely in terms of attendance at school and lack of
professional skills of teachers such as lack of mastery of the field of study in the school curriculum. To
improve the quality of education services in SD Inpres Kolongan, the researcher suggests that supervision
from the head of the school principal should be improved, it is also expected that the provision of supporting
facilities and infrastructures must be sanctioned by the leader to the teachers who often come late and
expected to be coached and training to the principals and teachers in order to improve the quality of teachers
in carrying out duties and responsibilities and can better master the teaching materials or school
Keywords: service quality
one important aspect in national development, without any definite education the state will not have the
level of competition in the international world. Teachers as educators contain a very broad meaning, not
limited to providing teaching materials, but to reach ethics and aesthetic behavior in facing the challenges
of life in society. As teachers, teachers should have a mature teaching plan. Teaching planning is closely
related to various elements such as teaching objectives, teaching materials, learning activities, teaching
methods, and evaluation. With creativity and competence, besides mastering the material and can process
the learning program, teachers are also required to carry out evaluation and administration. The ability of
teachers to develop the learning process and their mastery of teaching materials is not enough. The ability
of teachers in mastering the class is balanced with the ability to evaluate the students' competency planning
that is crucial in the context of the next planning, or policy of treatment of students related to the concept
of complete learning. The method used in this research is qualitative research method. Through education
is expected to improve the dignity of Indonesian society both nationally and internationally. Quality of
service is a dynamic state that is closely related to products, services, human resources, and processes and
environments that at least can meet or even exceed the quality of service expected. This study aims to
determine how the quality of education services in Elementary School (SD) Inpres Kolongan District Kombi
Minahasa District. The result of the research shows that the quality of service in SD Inpres Kolongan is still
less good because of the lack of supervision from the headmaster in this case the principal, the lack of
facilities and infrastructure, the lack of assertiveness of the principal headmaster in giving disciplinary
sanction to teachers who often come late or not timely in terms of attendance at school and lack of
professional skills of teachers such as lack of mastery of the field of study in the school curriculum. To
improve the quality of education services in SD Inpres Kolongan, the researcher suggests that supervision
from the head of the school principal should be improved, it is also expected that the provision of supporting
facilities and infrastructures must be sanctioned by the leader to the teachers who often come late and
expected to be coached and training to the principals and teachers in order to improve the quality of teachers
in carrying out duties and responsibilities and can better master the teaching materials or school
Keywords: service quality
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