The main task of the government is to create policy through various public policy. Policy will be achieved if
the policies made are implemented or implemented properly. Successful implementation of a policy is
determined by many variables or factors, both regarding the content of the implemented policy, the
implementation of the policy, and the environment in which the policy is implemented (the target group). The
purpose of this research is to know the Implementation of Alcoholic Beverage Control and Control Policy in
Southeast Minahasa Regency (Study in Touluaan District). The model used is descriptive with qualitative
approach. Informants in the study are people who can provide information about the situation and condition
of the research background. with the focus of research in view of the indicator according to Edwards III,
namely communication, resources, disposition and bureaucratic structure. Data collection techniques used are
observation, interview, and documentation. The results of this study show the general picture on the
Implementation of Alcohlic Drink Control and Supervision Policy in Southeast Minahasa Regency (Study in
Touluaan District) has not been implemented well. Due to the lack of information dissemination in terms of
widespread socialization to the community and has not been able to provide a thorough understanding of the
importance of the implementation of the Regional Regulation, as well as inadequate resources, in this case the
cause of non-execution of the policy perfectly.
Keywords: Policy Implementation, Controlling and Supervision, Alcoholic Beverages
the policies made are implemented or implemented properly. Successful implementation of a policy is
determined by many variables or factors, both regarding the content of the implemented policy, the
implementation of the policy, and the environment in which the policy is implemented (the target group). The
purpose of this research is to know the Implementation of Alcoholic Beverage Control and Control Policy in
Southeast Minahasa Regency (Study in Touluaan District). The model used is descriptive with qualitative
approach. Informants in the study are people who can provide information about the situation and condition
of the research background. with the focus of research in view of the indicator according to Edwards III,
namely communication, resources, disposition and bureaucratic structure. Data collection techniques used are
observation, interview, and documentation. The results of this study show the general picture on the
Implementation of Alcohlic Drink Control and Supervision Policy in Southeast Minahasa Regency (Study in
Touluaan District) has not been implemented well. Due to the lack of information dissemination in terms of
widespread socialization to the community and has not been able to provide a thorough understanding of the
importance of the implementation of the Regional Regulation, as well as inadequate resources, in this case the
cause of non-execution of the policy perfectly.
Keywords: Policy Implementation, Controlling and Supervision, Alcoholic Beverages
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