Abstract: Organizational culture is a system of shared meanings embraced by members who emphasize
organization with other organizations. Performance is the level of success in achieving goals. It is said that the
success of the goals as desired. Government apparatus is required to improve performance and develop. The
research method that writer use in this research is quantitative research method, With formulation of problem
"whether there is change of organizational culture to performance of civil apparatus in sub-district of
Kawangkoan Utara".
Based on the result between organization with performance is 0,61, that is relation between two positive / strong
variable. And based on the significant results obtained t count> ttable or 4.07> 1.701 which means there is a
positive and significant relationship between the organization with employee performance. While based on the
results of determination conducted by the company, the remaining 37.21% 62.79, by other factors not examined
in this study.
Keywords: Organizational Culture, Performance of Civil State Apparatus
organization with other organizations. Performance is the level of success in achieving goals. It is said that the
success of the goals as desired. Government apparatus is required to improve performance and develop. The
research method that writer use in this research is quantitative research method, With formulation of problem
"whether there is change of organizational culture to performance of civil apparatus in sub-district of
Kawangkoan Utara".
Based on the result between organization with performance is 0,61, that is relation between two positive / strong
variable. And based on the significant results obtained t count> ttable or 4.07> 1.701 which means there is a
positive and significant relationship between the organization with employee performance. While based on the
results of determination conducted by the company, the remaining 37.21% 62.79, by other factors not examined
in this study.
Keywords: Organizational Culture, Performance of Civil State Apparatus
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