Abstract: This study aims to determine and analyze the magnitude of the influence of Human Resource
Competence on the Performance of Civil State Apparatus in the Department of Agriculture of Sangihe
Islands Regency. The method that writer use in this research is quantitative method, is research method based
on philosophy of positivism, used for researcher at certain population or sample. Sampling technique used is
random sample technique from research at Agricultural Service of Regency of Sangihe Islands as much 30
people. Data analysis techniques used are simple linear regression analysis and simple correlation analysis.
Based on the analysis of Correlation Coefficient (r) = 0.812 or 85.9% while the coefficient of determination
(r²) = 0.738 or 73.8%. With these results can be explained that the variation of performance changes is also
influenced by variations of competence variables change and the remaining 26.2% influenced by other
factors. Based on the results of the above research, the hypothesis presented can be accepted. This is indicated
by the amount of contribution factor competence to the performance factor. Based on the results of
significant tests obtained Fcount = 14.105 at a significant level of 0.05 with degrees of freedom (df) = n - 2 =
28, then Ftabel 4.20. From the data it is obtained that Fcount is greater than Ftable where Fhitung 14.105>
4.20. Then Ha accepted and Ho rejected. This proves that there is a significant amount of influence between
the Competence of Human Resources on the Performance of Civil State Apparatus in the Agriculture Service
of the Regency of Sangihe Islands
Keywords: Human Resource Competency, Performance of Civil State Apparatus
Competence on the Performance of Civil State Apparatus in the Department of Agriculture of Sangihe
Islands Regency. The method that writer use in this research is quantitative method, is research method based
on philosophy of positivism, used for researcher at certain population or sample. Sampling technique used is
random sample technique from research at Agricultural Service of Regency of Sangihe Islands as much 30
people. Data analysis techniques used are simple linear regression analysis and simple correlation analysis.
Based on the analysis of Correlation Coefficient (r) = 0.812 or 85.9% while the coefficient of determination
(r²) = 0.738 or 73.8%. With these results can be explained that the variation of performance changes is also
influenced by variations of competence variables change and the remaining 26.2% influenced by other
factors. Based on the results of the above research, the hypothesis presented can be accepted. This is indicated
by the amount of contribution factor competence to the performance factor. Based on the results of
significant tests obtained Fcount = 14.105 at a significant level of 0.05 with degrees of freedom (df) = n - 2 =
28, then Ftabel 4.20. From the data it is obtained that Fcount is greater than Ftable where Fhitung 14.105>
4.20. Then Ha accepted and Ho rejected. This proves that there is a significant amount of influence between
the Competence of Human Resources on the Performance of Civil State Apparatus in the Agriculture Service
of the Regency of Sangihe Islands
Keywords: Human Resource Competency, Performance of Civil State Apparatus
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