As a program of the government, Kartu Indonesia Sehat is a government aid for the poor / poor, hoping to
improve the welfare of the community. Healthy Indonesia Program is a priority program of the President of
the Republic of Indonesia Ir. Joko Widodo designed specifically to help the poor in order to get free medical
assistance. This research uses qualitative approach method. The research informants were: one head of
BPJS office, two BPJS office staff, one Kopandakan II village head, and four healthy Indonesian card
users. Data collection by observation (direct observation), interview, and documentation, while the
analytical technique used is interactive model analysis from Miles and Huberman. Based on the research
results can be concluded: (1) implementation of healthy Indonesian card program less effective seen from
the dimension of communication. Socialization on matters related to the KIS program is carried out by the
implementing program (BPJS) to the community through cooperation with the village government, so that
the public lack understanding. (2) implementation of healthy Indonesian card program is less effective, seen
from human resource dimension of KIS program implementer from BPJS and health facility inadequate in
quantity. Financial resources for program implementation are provided as needed. (3) implementation of
healthy Indonesian card program is less effective seen from within dimension of disposition. The disposition
or characteristic of the officer does not have a consistent and consistent attitude to implement a healthy and
successful Indonesian card program. (4) the implementation of healthy Indonesian card program is less
effective than the bureaucratic / organizational structure seen from the mechanism and procedure of
program implementation (SOP) which determined the lack of person in handling the program. Duties and
responsibilities are clearly defined. As for the suggestion: (1) socialization of healthy Indonesian cards to
the village community needs to be continuously improved and intensified because many villagers do not
understand clearly the healthy Indonesia card program. (2) the implementing resources of healthy
Indonesian card program from BPJS should be increased so that more can reach to the villages. HR in
health facilities (health workers) for KIS participant services should also be able to reach the village. (3) the
disposition (commitment and consistency) of health card program implementing officers still needs to be
improved to improve the successful implementation of the program in the future. (4) BPJS should place KIS
service officers in sub-districts and villages so that they can be easily reached by the people in the villages.
Keywords: Implementation, Healthy Indonesia Program, Card Indonesia Healthy
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