government provides a disaster program to prepare citizens, especially those who live in
disaster-prone areas to be able to be ready and alert to natural disasters that can occur at any time.
Article 26 of Law No. 24 of 2007 concerning disaster management explains that the community has the
right to obtain education, training, and skills in implementing disaster management, because Indonesia
has a high risk of natural disasters including the city of Manado. In community empowerment, in
general it can be interpreted as a process that builds people or society through developing community
capacity, changing community behavior, and organizing the community. The purpose of empowerment
for the community is to provide opportunities for development and development of living welfare, the
creation of independence in building a decent and sufficient life for citizens with a developing economic
life. Especially the flood disaster in Manado City is classified as a high category so that based on the
results of disasters that always exist every year and central BPBD and BNPB coordination meetings,
Manado City receives training and mentoring programs for the Tangguh village program from the
Manado BPBD in accordance with the village disaster resilient theme for the year 2017 is a flood.
Kata Kunci: Pemberdayaan Masyarakat, Korban, Bencana Banjir
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