PENGARUH KUALITAS TENAGA MEDIS TERHADAP PELAYANAN KESEHATAN (Di Puskesmas Kecamatan Ratahan Kabupaten Minahasa Tenggara)
The research is motivated by the problems that are recorded. In Ratahan Subdistrict Healt
Center, Minahasa Regebcy, namely in the Effect of the quality of medical personnel on health services
achieved optimally. This is alleged to have links that affect healt services. In doing healt, medical
personnel should have high performance and heven the quality of medical personnel who are in healt
services. Therefore, there is a need to to influence the quality of good medical personnel so that health
service can improve good service for paserv pubictients. The quality of medical personnel is the level of
excellence that is expected to the public service and control over the level of excellence to meet the
demands. Quality of service depends service on the ability to provide service on the ability to provide
services to meet the expectations. Health at Ratahan District Health Center. Southeast Minahasa. In this
study the method used is a quantitative method. While the data analysis technique used is correlation
analysis and simple analysisi to show the extebt of the relationship between the two variables. Based on
the research conducted and continued by analyzing the data obtained, the resukt is that a strong opinion
is between the influence of the quality of medical personnel of 0.970. this means testing hypotheses is
accepted. From the result of the study obtained a correlation determination coefficient of 0.941% for 94%
while the rest is the study.
Keywords : effect Of Quality Of Medical Personnel, Health Service
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