
The Government of North Sulawesi forming Local Regulation Number 4 Year of 2014
concerning Control and Supervision of Alcoholic Beverages in North Sulawesi Province, considering that
alcoholic beverages are one of the products of economic value and are closely related to aspects of health,
security conditions and public order, morals, mental attitudes and attitudes social society, nowadays the
circulation is increasing and expandingeven reaching all levels of society. Based on data sourced from the
March 2016 BPS Social and Economic Survey, Manado is the city with the highest consumption of alcoholic
beverages in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to analyze the implementation of the North Sulawesi
Province regulation concerning supervision and control of alcoholic beverages by seeing the Charles O.
Jones’s implementation indicator policy. The descriptive qualitative was used in this type of research. The
descriptive qualitative was used in this type of research. This research is focused on using Charles O.
Jones’s theory by seeing the Organization, Interpretation and Application aspects. There are 12 informants.
This data gathering technique is gathered through observation, interview, and literature review. Data
analysis stages : data reduction, data display, verification, and conclusion. The data is given in a form of a
table, images, and narration. The descriptive qualitative was used in this type of research. This research is
focused on using Charles O. Jones’s theory by seeing the Organization, Interpretation and Application
aspects. There are 12 informant. Data collection technique are gathered through observation, interview,
and literature review. Data analysis stages : data reduction, data display, verification, and conclusion. Data
is presented in the form of tables, figures, and narratives. The result of this research : organization of The
Implementation of the North Sulawesi Province Regulation Concerning Supervision And Control of
Alcoholic Beverages is considered quite good that is seen from the establishment of Cerdas Terpadu Team
Supervision And Control Of Alcoholic Beverages In Manado City. However, the coordinating initiative in
the Cerdas Terpadu team was still seen very rely on Manado city’s industry and trade office. Interpretation
has not yet been manifested well because the vagueness of hangover prevention chapter article 26 about the
prevention and repressive ways that are mentioned in this article. Then it is the Second Amendment to
Minister of Trade Regulation Number 20 / M-Dag / Per / 4/2014 Regarding Control and Supervision of
Procurement, Distribution and Sales of Alcoholic Beverages which prohibits minimarkets and other retail
stores to sell alcoholic beverages type A, hence the principle of Lex Superiori Derogat Legi Inferiori is
applied to Article 7 of North Sulawesi Province Regulation Number 4 Year of 2014. In terms of application,
this local regulation of control and supervision in alcoholic beverages that is used in Manado City is
considered not running very well and optimal because it can still be found easily with alcoholic beverages
that are sold in retailers and stalls which should not be allowed to sell alcoholic beverages.
From this research, we can conclude that the implementation of North Sulawesi Province
Regulation Concerning Supervision and Control of Alcoholic Beverages in Manado City has not gone well.
It is recommended that North Sulawesi Province Regulation Number 4 Year of 2014 Concerning
Supervision and Control of Alcoholic Beverages needs to be reviewed, the researcher recommends a revision
or amendment to this local regulation. Cerdas Terpadu Team for controlling and supervising the alcoholic
beverages in Manado City is expected to enhance their initiative and to not wait initiative or command from
other agencies. Agencies related to control and supervision of alcoholic beverages are expected to be more
assertive in taking down violators.

Keywords : Policy Implementation, Supervision and Control, Alcoholic Beverages

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