Pengaruh Pendidikan Dan Pelatihan Terhadap Efektivitas Pelaksanaan Pelayanan Administrasi Kepegawaian di BKDD Kabupaten Kepulauan Talaud

nova wando


Abstract : Education and training is a very important factor to improve / develop the knowledge , skills and attitudes of civil servants so that it can carry out its duties effectively . This study is intended to answer the question of whether there is an influence on the effectiveness of education and training in administrative services kepagawaian BKDD Talaud Islands . Methods of research using quantitative methods . Sources of data / research respondents were all civil servants on BKDD Talaud Islands by 35 people . Collecting data using questionnaires and assisted with interviewing techniques . Analysis is a statistical analysis used linear regression and product moment correlation .
Statistical analysis showed : ( 1 ) Education and training has a positive and significant functional relationship on the effectiveness of administrative services kepagawaian ( 2 ) education and training have degrees of correlation and determination were high and significant impact on the effectiveness of personnel administration services .
Based on the results of the study concluded that education and training positive and significant impact on the effectiveness of personnel administration services in BKDD Talaud Islands . Based on the conclusion of the study suggested that the education and training needs to be improved to employees in BKDD Talaud Islands , especially functional education and technical training , because training is related directly to the enhancement of knowledge and skills to perform job duties of the employee .
Keywords : Education and Training , Administrative Services Officer Effectiveness

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