
Public service delivery; As a consequence of the implementation of Regional Autonomy especially
after the enactment of Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government. However, various issues
that arise in the community, apparently the service rights received by the community have not met the
expectations of all parties, both from the general public and from the government itself. In Act Number 25
of 2009 concerning Public Services it is stated that public services are activities or series of activities in the
framework of meeting service needs in accordance with statutory regulations. Subdistricts are formed in
order to improve the coordination of government administration meaning that with the existence of
Subdistricts, the Camat as the highest leader in the Subdistrict must be able to coordinate all governmental
affairs in the Subdistrict, then also the Subdistrict must provide public services in the Subdistrict as well as
empowering the Village / Kelurahan community. North Langowan Subdistrict is a sub-district organization
that provides public services to the community which is inseparable from various problems, especially with
changes in various regulations regarding the sub-district. The purpose of this study is to analyze public
services in the Langowan Utara District in Minahasa Regency.
This study uses a qualitative approach as an informant, researchers take 5 (five) people as informants
with snowball technique who are competent to answer the research objectives, through in-depth interviews
which are then presented and analyzed qualitatively. Moenir (2002: 88), in the implementation of a public
service, there are several factors that support, namely: employee awareness; There are rules; organizational
actors; Ability and skill factors; Service facility factor. With qualitative data analysis techniques.
From the results of research conducted on the implementation of public services using the theory, it
appears that the implementation of quality public services is determined between two factors namely internal
factors namely employees, leadership and external factors and rules namely the community, communication
with the village government and vertical communication with the government districts. In the northern
Langowan sub-district, the results of the study carried out public services in accordance with applicable
regulations, especially during the co-pandemic period 19.
Conclusions from this study In terms of employee awareness in public services it can be concluded
that it is good, the level of employee awareness is influenced by several factors such as leadership, rules and
a positive work environment, the availability of rules that support organizational regularity has been owned
by the North Langowan District Office, that the availability of rules is sufficient to help employees,
organizational factors in public services in the northern langowan sub-district, it appears that the
organization's readiness is well equipped with existing systems and standard operating procedures (SOPs),
the ability and skills of employees in carrying out public services in the sub-district are not evenly distributed
and the availability of equipment is available and able to be operated by employees, but the quality of
equipment that is still standard plus knowledge in equipment maintenance causes supporting facilities are
easily damaged and limited quantity causes dependence on the use of equipment only on one or a few
devices, which then causes delays in service to the community
Keywords: Analysis, Public Services, District

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Program Studi Administrasi Publik, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik, Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado

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