The management and development of the tourism sector is one of the efforts to improve the
economy, social and environment of a country. Various potentials of tourism objects that are developed are
natural tourism potentials which are mostly owned by developing countries including Indonesia, it can be
developed as an economic activity that can generate foreign exchange quickly. Potential is something that
can be made as a material or a source that will be managed either through human effort or through
mechanical power where the potential can also be interpreted as resources that are around us. A tourist
attraction is anything that exists in a tourist destination that is an attraction for people to want to come visit
the place. In this study using a type of qualitative research in which this research is descriptive in nature
that is conducting in-depth interviews gathering primary data and collecting secondary data, which then
results of primary and secondary data are processed and data will be obtained. The results showed that the
planning of the management of the natural tourism potential of TNBW in the village of Toraut had long
been planned but was constrained by funding problems because the budget for TNBW itself was only for
the preservation and restoration of natural ecosystems, whereas from the local government in this case the
Bolaang Mongongow Tourism Office had no budget assistance funds for that so that planning is hampered,
planning for managing tourism potential in TNBW reappears after the formation of the KPA Tarsius, in
the initial stages, KPA Tarsius has submitted proposals to the TNBW after being approved by the KPA
directly conducting surveys and presenting the results of the location survey that will be made tourist
attractions, after that the TNBW met with EPASS as the grant funders assisted by the TNBW. The
organizing done by TNBW both to the ranks of TNBW and to the KPA tarsier is very well arranged so that
the stalled plans resulting in funding problems can be overcome. Finally, the supervision conducted by
TNBW and KPA tarsiers around the TNBW site continues to run until now, by conducting routine patrols
in the TNBW area and locations that have attractive tourism potential for the community, so they can
continue to be preserved.
Keywords: Management, Potential, Tourist Attraction.
economy, social and environment of a country. Various potentials of tourism objects that are developed are
natural tourism potentials which are mostly owned by developing countries including Indonesia, it can be
developed as an economic activity that can generate foreign exchange quickly. Potential is something that
can be made as a material or a source that will be managed either through human effort or through
mechanical power where the potential can also be interpreted as resources that are around us. A tourist
attraction is anything that exists in a tourist destination that is an attraction for people to want to come visit
the place. In this study using a type of qualitative research in which this research is descriptive in nature
that is conducting in-depth interviews gathering primary data and collecting secondary data, which then
results of primary and secondary data are processed and data will be obtained. The results showed that the
planning of the management of the natural tourism potential of TNBW in the village of Toraut had long
been planned but was constrained by funding problems because the budget for TNBW itself was only for
the preservation and restoration of natural ecosystems, whereas from the local government in this case the
Bolaang Mongongow Tourism Office had no budget assistance funds for that so that planning is hampered,
planning for managing tourism potential in TNBW reappears after the formation of the KPA Tarsius, in
the initial stages, KPA Tarsius has submitted proposals to the TNBW after being approved by the KPA
directly conducting surveys and presenting the results of the location survey that will be made tourist
attractions, after that the TNBW met with EPASS as the grant funders assisted by the TNBW. The
organizing done by TNBW both to the ranks of TNBW and to the KPA tarsier is very well arranged so that
the stalled plans resulting in funding problems can be overcome. Finally, the supervision conducted by
TNBW and KPA tarsiers around the TNBW site continues to run until now, by conducting routine patrols
in the TNBW area and locations that have attractive tourism potential for the community, so they can
continue to be preserved.
Keywords: Management, Potential, Tourist Attraction.
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