Attitude and behavior in carrying out the duties as the village head shows a personality that is able to direct
and provide good wisdom for the community. It was then found that the ability of the village head in terms
of understanding the duties and functions and responsibilities supported by the background of strata 1
education in the field of law, competency in accordance with the responsibility of giving a large role for the
village head in understanding the duties and functions held. Unpartiparative leadership is also an obstacle
in the effectiveness of the village chief's leadership. In the study, it was found that people do not understand
the various government activities and development programs carried out by the government.
Keywords : effectiveness of leadership
and provide good wisdom for the community. It was then found that the ability of the village head in terms
of understanding the duties and functions and responsibilities supported by the background of strata 1
education in the field of law, competency in accordance with the responsibility of giving a large role for the
village head in understanding the duties and functions held. Unpartiparative leadership is also an obstacle
in the effectiveness of the village chief's leadership. In the study, it was found that people do not understand
the various government activities and development programs carried out by the government.
Keywords : effectiveness of leadership
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