The State Civil Apparatus (SCA) as a government apparatus works to serve the interests of the community
and works according to state duties and is paid according to what has been regulated in the law. Government
Regulation Number 53 of 2010 concerning the discipline of Civil Servants or State Civil Servants is used as
a reference for regulating obligations and prohibitions for civil servants, types of disciplinary punishment,
as well as officials authorized to provide disciplinary sentences. The purpose of this study is to determine
the impact of coaching on the work discipline of the State Civil Apparatus in the Civil Service and Human
Resources Development Agency of Tomohon City, as well as to find out what obstacles are faced in the
implementation of guidance and discipline improvement of the State Civil Apparatus. This research method
is a qualitative research method carried out to the State Civil Apparatus in the Civil Service and Human
Resources Development Agency of Tomohon City, and the State Civil Apparatus in the City of Tomohon.
The data sources were interviews and documents. The data validity was done by triangulating the data. The
result of this research is that in an effort to improve the discipline of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) of
Tomohon City, coaching efforts are made, namely preventive coaching and corrective coaching. Preventive
coaching is carried out to all State Civil Apparatus in the city of Tomohon by disseminating Government
Regulation Number 53 of 2010 concerning Civil Servant discipline, and in the form of submitting to all
Heads of Regional Apparatus Work Regulations, regarding working hours regulations, official uniforms
for the implementation of the apple and attendance presence. Corrective disciplinary fostering of the State
Civil Apparatus shall be carried out on officials who violate discipline by imposing disciplinary penalties.
Disciplinary penalties are categorized into three, namely, mild disciplinary punishment, moderate
disciplinary punishment, and severe disciplinary punishment. The development of preventive State Civil
Apparatus work discipline has generally been carried out well, but the results have not been optimal, while
the corrective discipline guidance carried out has a positive impact on the officials who are sentenced,
because afterwards the performance of these official gets better, The things that become obstacles in the
process of disciplinary development are humanitarianism, pity, and awkwardness when conducting
disciplinary guidance.
Keywords: State Civil Apparatus, Coaching, fostering, Work.
and works according to state duties and is paid according to what has been regulated in the law. Government
Regulation Number 53 of 2010 concerning the discipline of Civil Servants or State Civil Servants is used as
a reference for regulating obligations and prohibitions for civil servants, types of disciplinary punishment,
as well as officials authorized to provide disciplinary sentences. The purpose of this study is to determine
the impact of coaching on the work discipline of the State Civil Apparatus in the Civil Service and Human
Resources Development Agency of Tomohon City, as well as to find out what obstacles are faced in the
implementation of guidance and discipline improvement of the State Civil Apparatus. This research method
is a qualitative research method carried out to the State Civil Apparatus in the Civil Service and Human
Resources Development Agency of Tomohon City, and the State Civil Apparatus in the City of Tomohon.
The data sources were interviews and documents. The data validity was done by triangulating the data. The
result of this research is that in an effort to improve the discipline of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) of
Tomohon City, coaching efforts are made, namely preventive coaching and corrective coaching. Preventive
coaching is carried out to all State Civil Apparatus in the city of Tomohon by disseminating Government
Regulation Number 53 of 2010 concerning Civil Servant discipline, and in the form of submitting to all
Heads of Regional Apparatus Work Regulations, regarding working hours regulations, official uniforms
for the implementation of the apple and attendance presence. Corrective disciplinary fostering of the State
Civil Apparatus shall be carried out on officials who violate discipline by imposing disciplinary penalties.
Disciplinary penalties are categorized into three, namely, mild disciplinary punishment, moderate
disciplinary punishment, and severe disciplinary punishment. The development of preventive State Civil
Apparatus work discipline has generally been carried out well, but the results have not been optimal, while
the corrective discipline guidance carried out has a positive impact on the officials who are sentenced,
because afterwards the performance of these official gets better, The things that become obstacles in the
process of disciplinary development are humanitarianism, pity, and awkwardness when conducting
disciplinary guidance.
Keywords: State Civil Apparatus, Coaching, fostering, Work.
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