Tourism reductions in Indonesia are currently experiencing a significant increase, advances in tourism
make tourism the key factor in export revenues, the creation of kerian fields, the development of business
and infrastructure so that the development of tourism is one of the government’s top programs. The
development of tourism in a tourist destination must be based on planning, development and management
direction. What has been a highlight of recent times is the ravishing of the environmental forces
surrounding the Moraya Monument. The streets began to litter, especially in the entryways of the tourist,
with many street hawkers selling the area asa result of the lack of availability of a garbage can that as time
went by, the garbage began to accumulate and the visitors became uncomfortable. The trigger of the problem
was due to the process of cleaning up at the tourist site that had not gone well. The management of
cleanliness at the Moraya compound will do well if there is also good cooperation between goverments and
peoples to participate and play an active role in the management of cleanliness at fort Moraya tourist
attraction. The purpose of this research is to find out how to manage the vleanliness of the Moraya Fortress
in Tondano District of Minahasa. The study is a descriptive study, using a qualitative approach.
Keyword : Management, Cleanliness, Tourism
make tourism the key factor in export revenues, the creation of kerian fields, the development of business
and infrastructure so that the development of tourism is one of the government’s top programs. The
development of tourism in a tourist destination must be based on planning, development and management
direction. What has been a highlight of recent times is the ravishing of the environmental forces
surrounding the Moraya Monument. The streets began to litter, especially in the entryways of the tourist,
with many street hawkers selling the area asa result of the lack of availability of a garbage can that as time
went by, the garbage began to accumulate and the visitors became uncomfortable. The trigger of the problem
was due to the process of cleaning up at the tourist site that had not gone well. The management of
cleanliness at the Moraya compound will do well if there is also good cooperation between goverments and
peoples to participate and play an active role in the management of cleanliness at fort Moraya tourist
attraction. The purpose of this research is to find out how to manage the vleanliness of the Moraya Fortress
in Tondano District of Minahasa. The study is a descriptive study, using a qualitative approach.
Keyword : Management, Cleanliness, Tourism
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Program Studi Administrasi Publik, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik, Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado
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