The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the Micro-Scale Community Activity Restriction
Policy (PPKM) in the spread of COVID19 in Warembungan Village. This study uses a qualitative approach
with a descriptive research model. Meanwhile, the data collection technique used in this research is through
interview techniques with informants, observation techniques to research locations and documentation
techniques for existing research results. The theory used is the theory of Riant Nugroho (2018) regarding five
principles that must be met in policy effectiveness, namely the right policy, the implementation target, the right
target, the right environment and the right process. Based on the results of the study, it was shown that the
effectiveness of the micro-scale PPKM policy in the spread of COVID19 in Warembungan Village was carried
out well. The results related to this policy are that there is no increase in the number of COVID19 in
Warembungan village, and with this policy the chaos at night has reduced. However, the implementation of
this policy cannot be separated from the various obstacles that exist such as the presence of some people who
still do not care and are indifferent to the policies that are being implemented, the lack of socialization
provided and not far in advance, people outside Warembungan village who complain about this policy. . The
suggestion from the researcher is that in the future the implementation of this policy needs to be socialized
well in advance and reviewed whether the target to be intervened is appropriate or not.
Keywords: Effectiveness, PPKM, Covid 19
Policy (PPKM) in the spread of COVID19 in Warembungan Village. This study uses a qualitative approach
with a descriptive research model. Meanwhile, the data collection technique used in this research is through
interview techniques with informants, observation techniques to research locations and documentation
techniques for existing research results. The theory used is the theory of Riant Nugroho (2018) regarding five
principles that must be met in policy effectiveness, namely the right policy, the implementation target, the right
target, the right environment and the right process. Based on the results of the study, it was shown that the
effectiveness of the micro-scale PPKM policy in the spread of COVID19 in Warembungan Village was carried
out well. The results related to this policy are that there is no increase in the number of COVID19 in
Warembungan village, and with this policy the chaos at night has reduced. However, the implementation of
this policy cannot be separated from the various obstacles that exist such as the presence of some people who
still do not care and are indifferent to the policies that are being implemented, the lack of socialization
provided and not far in advance, people outside Warembungan village who complain about this policy. . The
suggestion from the researcher is that in the future the implementation of this policy needs to be socialized
well in advance and reviewed whether the target to be intervened is appropriate or not.
Keywords: Effectiveness, PPKM, Covid 19
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