Realizing a just prosperous and prosperous society is the government's goal which continues to
be pursued to this day. This can be seen clearly from the authority given to villages in the formation of
Village-Owned Enterprises to improve the village economy, increase village income, improve village
potential management according to community needs and become the backbone of rural economic growth
and equity. The purpose of this study is to find out how the Management of Village-Owned Enterprises in
Warisa Village, Kampung Baru, Talawaan District, North Minahasa Regency. The research method used
is qualitative research. Informants in research are people who can provide information about research.
The research focus is seen from indicators according to Ahmad Nur Ihsan and Budi Setiono focused on
available resources, community participation and empowerment, government support and collaboration
with third parties. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. The
results of the study show that in practice it appears that the businesses managed by the BERSEHATI
Village-Owned Enterprises in the Village have not been able to achieve their vision and mission, especially
in developing community economic enterprises. As a result, the management of BERSEHATI Village-
Owned Enterprises looks like it is running in place and is only used as a complement to the requirements
for receiving Village Funds as a condition for villages that will receive Village Fund assistance.
Keywords : Management, Village Owned Enterprises
be pursued to this day. This can be seen clearly from the authority given to villages in the formation of
Village-Owned Enterprises to improve the village economy, increase village income, improve village
potential management according to community needs and become the backbone of rural economic growth
and equity. The purpose of this study is to find out how the Management of Village-Owned Enterprises in
Warisa Village, Kampung Baru, Talawaan District, North Minahasa Regency. The research method used
is qualitative research. Informants in research are people who can provide information about research.
The research focus is seen from indicators according to Ahmad Nur Ihsan and Budi Setiono focused on
available resources, community participation and empowerment, government support and collaboration
with third parties. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. The
results of the study show that in practice it appears that the businesses managed by the BERSEHATI
Village-Owned Enterprises in the Village have not been able to achieve their vision and mission, especially
in developing community economic enterprises. As a result, the management of BERSEHATI Village-
Owned Enterprises looks like it is running in place and is only used as a complement to the requirements
for receiving Village Funds as a condition for villages that will receive Village Fund assistance.
Keywords : Management, Village Owned Enterprises
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