Civil servants have a decisive role, namely as thinkers, implementers, planners, and controllers of development.
Thus, civil servants have a very important role in facilitating the running of the wheels of government and the
implementation of national development. The purpose of this study was to determine the empowerment of State
Civil Apparatus in the Legal Section of the Regional Secretariat of North Sulawesi Province. This study uses
descriptive qualitative research methods. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews and
documentation. In this research, the data analysis technique used is data analysis technique according to Miles
and Huberman. The results of this study indicate the empowerment of state civil apparatus, namely the
procurement of employees who have followed the rules and regulations applied by the Regional Personnel Agency
of North Sulawesi Province, both career development and discipline application to all existing employees as well
as character, knowledge and skill development in performance development. organization, the three trainings and
quick education carried out by the external party, the legal division of the regional secretariat of North Sulawesi
Province. So it can be concluded that the empowerment of civil servants in empowering the State Civil Apparatus
in the Legal Section of the Regional Secretariat of North Sulawesi Province is considered quite good in carrying
out the programs and tasks that have been carried out.
Keywords : Empowerment, State Civil Apparatus
Civil servants have a decisive role, namely as thinkers, implementers, planners, and controllers of development.
Thus, civil servants have a very important role in facilitating the running of the wheels of government and the
implementation of national development. The purpose of this study was to determine the empowerment of State
Civil Apparatus in the Legal Section of the Regional Secretariat of North Sulawesi Province. This study uses
descriptive qualitative research methods. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews and
documentation. In this research, the data analysis technique used is data analysis technique according to Miles
and Huberman. The results of this study indicate the empowerment of state civil apparatus, namely the
procurement of employees who have followed the rules and regulations applied by the Regional Personnel Agency
of North Sulawesi Province, both career development and discipline application to all existing employees as well
as character, knowledge and skill development in performance development. organization, the three trainings and
quick education carried out by the external party, the legal division of the regional secretariat of North Sulawesi
Province. So it can be concluded that the empowerment of civil servants in empowering the State Civil Apparatus
in the Legal Section of the Regional Secretariat of North Sulawesi Province is considered quite good in carrying
out the programs and tasks that have been carried out.
Keywords : Empowerment, State Civil Apparatus
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