Dampak Kebijakan Pemberdayaan Pedagang Asongan Dan Rumah Makan Di Lokasi Wisata Religius Toar Lumimuut Kanonang Provinsi Sulawesi Utara

Angelita Wowiling, Florence Lengkong, Very Londa


The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of the policies of hawkers and restaurants in the
religious tourism location of Toar Lumimuut Kanonang by the province of North Sulawesi. This
research uses descriptive qualitative research, while the focus of this research is empowerment data.
Sources of data used in this study are primary data and secondary data with data collection techniques
namely observation, interviews, documentation. The theory used is from Dye (2017) with five
dimensions, namely impact of policy on public problems, impact on circumstances or groups outside the
target, impact on current and future conditions, indirect costs borne by public. Based on the results of
the study, it shows that the empowerment policies carried out are traders, culinary, accessories sellers,
massage therapists, traveling photographers, and this activity is still running well from planning to
implementation. As for the training activities carried out in order to support tourism objects, the impact
has changed drastically before and after the COVID-19 hit. The funds from the tourism office seek to
improve the management of existing resoureces in the Toar Lumimuut Kanonang tourist attraction,
precisely in managing and being responsible for the development of the Toar Lumimuut Kanonang
religious tourism object.
Ke words : Impact of Policies, Traders, Religious Tourism

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