Implementasi Kebijakan Otonomi Khusus Dalam Pelayanan Bidang Pendidikan Distrik Wangbe Kabupaten Puncak Papua

Detiau Dang, Salmin Dengo, Novie Palar


The study concluded that the implementation of special autonomy in Papua Province District Wangbe, is not
maximized in efforts to achieve a healthy society, cultured, qualified and independent in realizing the various
aspects of the construction of more specialized education. It is recommended that education should be
improved communication media such as newspapers, radio, banners, brochures and billboards about the
existence of special autonomy, and need socialization of all the implementation of the measures taken, it is
necessary to do the evaluation, supervision and planning and services clear implementation of the Law on
Special Autonomy for Papua. 21 in 2001. In addition, it should be added helpers bureaucracy by considering
appropriate educational background with the required fields. Perluh pulah attempted to placed the public
service means more strategic and easily accessible by the public. Outlines the main duties and functions based
on a clear organizational structure, as well as reorganize the organizational structure with more focus on the
technical and operatin standard "procedures as guidelines in implementing the policy of public services in the
field of education.implementation of the special autonomy. The study concluded that the implementation of
special autonomy in Papua Province District wangbe,in puncak papua is not in efforts to achieve a healthy
society, cultured, qualified and independent in realizing the various aspects of the construction of more
specialized education. It is recommended that education should be improved communication media such as
new spapers, radio, banners, brochures and billboards about the existence of special autonomy, and need
socialization of all the
Keywords : Policy Implementation, Of the Special Outonomy Policy in the education

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