Yulia pinggian, JANTJE Mandey, Jericho D Pombengi


The implementation of the duties and functions of a village chief in the government is
one of the activities of government officials in an effort to improve the welfare of the
community, as the purpose of this study is to provide a description of the implementation of
these functions. The role of village chief is very important in approaching and grow and develop
self-help mutual aid society in order to realize the implementation of development that has been
planned in the Budget of the Village.This means that the head of the village as a leader in the
village is the organizer and the person in charge in the field of governance and community
development, as well as village chief is responsible for growing and developing self-help mutual
aid society. By looking at how important the role of the village head held thus further research
on "The Role of the Village Head In The agitation participation from communities in the Village
District of Salibabu Salibabu Talaud Islands".
In this study, the type of research that is in use which is a type of qualitative research,
the research focus is the role of the village chief purpose in scaling community participation in
rural development. Respondents / instrument in this study is that local officials and villagers of
Salibabu District of Salibabu Talaud Islands as many as 10 people.
The researchers' analysis adjusting of some theory is concerned with the study
indicators, namely: first, the role of the village head as a motivator in moving people's
participation in village development Salibabu; second, the role of the village head as a facilitator
in moving people's participation in rural development Salibabu; and third, the role of the village
head as a mobilizer in moving people's participation in rural development Salibabu.
Based on the research role of the Village Head of Public Participation In The agitation in
the Village District of Salibabu Salibabu Talaud Islands in view of the three aspects of the role
of the village head as motivators, facilitators and mobilizers suda good but its role in
implementing the village head had to really play its role properly so that the public can
participate in any program / village development activities. And needs to know that the success
of the village head is inseparable from the role of the community he leads.
Keywords: Role of the village head, promote community participation

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