Effectivity System of Management Information in Information Tehcnology Center University of Sam Ratulangi Manado.
In accordance with Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic
of Indonesia on the Organization and Work of Sam Ratulangi University of article 105, paragraph
1, which states that the Information and Communication Technology Unit is a unit of the technical
implementation in the field of development and management of systems and information and
communication technology. And Article 106, namely, Information and Communication Technology
Unit has the tasks of system development and management of information and communication
technology as well as the provision of information and communication technology services.
This study used a qualitative method, data source or informant study of 10 people in the
capture of some elements, such as students 8 people, and Lecturer 2 people. Collecting data using
questionnaires, interviews, and documentation. Based on the research, it can be concluded that the
effectiveness of management information systems at the center of the information technology (PTI)
Sam Ratulangi University, yet effective.
Timeliness, accuracy of information, and human resources must be developed. As well as
the facilities and infrastructure must also be added.
Keywords: effectiveness, management information system
In accordance with Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic
of Indonesia on the Organization and Work of Sam Ratulangi University of article 105, paragraph
1, which states that the Information and Communication Technology Unit is a unit of the technical
implementation in the field of development and management of systems and information and
communication technology. And Article 106, namely, Information and Communication Technology
Unit has the tasks of system development and management of information and communication
technology as well as the provision of information and communication technology services.
This study used a qualitative method, data source or informant study of 10 people in the
capture of some elements, such as students 8 people, and Lecturer 2 people. Collecting data using
questionnaires, interviews, and documentation. Based on the research, it can be concluded that the
effectiveness of management information systems at the center of the information technology (PTI)
Sam Ratulangi University, yet effective.
Timeliness, accuracy of information, and human resources must be developed. As well as
the facilities and infrastructure must also be added.
Keywords: effectiveness, management information system
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