Implementasi Good Governance di Kecamatan Pasan Kabupaten Minahasa Tenggara

Andre Rondonuwu, Welson Yappi Rompas, Jericho Denga Pombengi


ABSTRAK : Sub-district is the district / city that has an important position and role in the framework of the
effectiveness of the regional administration, so it must be able to effectively implement good governance.
Accordingly, the study is intended to answer the question "how the implementation of good governance in the
sub-district government Pasan Southeast Minahasa regency.
From the literature review determined the six principles of good governance are the focus of research, namely:
participation, transparency, responsiveness, fairness, of efficiency and effectiveness, and accountability.
This study was designed as a descriptive survey research. Sources of data / research informants are all
government civil servants districts Pasan many as 22 people, and the citizens of 30 people were taken in five
villages in the sample, so that the total number of respondents / informants there were 52 people. Primary data
collection using questionnaire techniques and assisted with the interviews. Data analysis was performed using
descriptive statistical analysis and the percentage frequency distribution analysis.
The result showed that the implementation of the principles of good governance (participation,
transparency, responsiveness, fairness, efficiency and effectiveness, akuintabilitas) in the sub-district government
Pasan is still at the level of the medium category, but it is good enough.
Based on the results of these studies conclude that implementation of good governance can not be
realized optimally by Pasan sub-district government, however, has been quite good.
Departing from these studies it is necessary to attempt to improve the implementation of good
governance in the sub-district government Pasan by doing several things, among others, namely: to increase the
number of employees, improving employee competence of human resources, adds to the means and facilities to
support the implementation of tasks, and increase the commitment of forces to realize good governance in
Key Word : Good Governance

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