Efektivitas Program Pelayanan Jaminan Kesehatan Daerah (JAMKESDA) Di Rumah Sakit Umum Kota Bitung

Felix Pipa, Daicy Lengkong, Arie Rorong


ABSTRACT : Hospital is a health care institution that organizes personal health services in plenary that
provides inpatient, outpatient, and emergency department. In connection with the Hospital opened health
services through programs that one Regional Health Insurance program (JAMKESDA) which is a
program for the poor that health care costs are guaranteed by the Government.
This study is intended to answer the "Is service health insurance program area (JAMKESDA) in the city
of Bitung is already effective. This study uses a qualitative method. Data source / informant study is the
head of the general hospital one person, public hospital employees 10 people, and participants Jamkesda
20 people, so the total number of informants there were 31 people. Primary data collection using the
questionnaire technique and help with the interview.
Results of the data analysis showed that the implementation of the regional health insurance services
program (JAMKESDA) in the city of Bitung is already operating effectively, although not optimal. Based
on the results of these studies conclude that it is not optimal effectiveness of the implementation of the
Regional Health Insurance services program (JAMKESDA) related to the implementation of satisfaction
indicators and indicators of adaptation that has not been effective, both the level of satisfaction of
employees / employee hospitals and patients and families of patients who have not been satisfied on the
service they received.
Referring to some of the findings in this study, then to optimize the achievement of effective
implementation of the Regional Health Insurance program (JAMKESDA) in city Bitung forward, needs to
be optimized implementation of satisfaction indicators and indicators of adaptation, through increasing its
capacity to adjust to the dynamics and demands of internal environment and externally.
Key words: : Effectiveness of Care Regional Health Insurance Program (JAMKESDA).

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