Kinerja Lembaga Penyiaran Publik Radio Republik Indonesia (Studi Tentang Kinerja Pegawai di Lembaga Penyiaran Publik RRI Manado)

Halmintje Makawimbang, Patar Rumapea, Joorie Ruru


Abstract : This research aims to analyze the performance of a Public Broadcasting Institution the
radio Indonesia Republic in Manado. Public Broadcasting Institution the radio Indonesia Republic in
Manado as a government bureaucracy is the one work unit in North Sulawesi. Public Broadcasting
Institution the radio Indonesia Republic in Manado is institutions that convey information as well as news –
actual and reliable news as well as provide entertainment to the community particularly the city of Manado.
To carry out its work, Public Broadcasting has a function a. Deliver/broadcast news and Information to
actual and reliable, providing wholesome Entertainment to the community. The central problem in the study
based on the pre survey, for example, the protection of the rights of women workers, safety (safety security
work) and also a guarantee against social workers. Qualifying employees in particular HR limitations of
Echelon IV also become constraints in the implementation of tasks and jobs. In addition still lack of trainingtraining
is to support the technical skill employees create a work to be hampered due to the lack of technical
knowledge of employees in carrying out his job. Therefore, in a situation like this, the head of Department or
head of the need to conduct performance assessment to review the extent to which employee performance and
evaluate the effectiveness of the deficiencies contained therein so that action can be taken as soon as possible
to resolve the issue.
In this study the author uses a quantitative approach. quantitative data processing-data that is
obtained from the location of the research with data collection techniques: study library and study field, as
for Informants in this study was the assessment of officials is tops on Public Broadcasters, among them head
of the radio Indonesia Republic in Manado Station, the head of the field and the head section.
The results of this research are generally speaking the performance of employees in the Public
Broadcasting Institution the radio Indonesia Republic in Manado can be said to have good, based on the
final value of each employee's performance with Employees Working Objectives values accumulate (SKP)
and overall work so that Behavior can be inferred to be on the level of "good". But there are some drawbacks
on a number of aspects that need to be addressed. There are also some drawbacks in the system assessments
based Government Regulations No 46-year 2011 as in some aspects of the assessment that does not have a
clear criteria in measuring these aspects in the assessment being thus causing less accurate, as well as the
assessment is very subjective because it is only rated by his superiors only and does not involve other
elements associated with it. Further, the ratings only measure the performance on an individual basis and
not on the team's performance while at the moment the work more charged on teamwork, not merely on the
Referring to the discussion and the conclusions above, the suggested performance in order to
improve Employee Public Broadcasting Institution the radio Indonesia Republic in Manado then needs to be
in the presence of Required training To suggest as well as employee development programs so that the
performance achieved by the Public Broadcasting Institution the radio Indonesia Republic in Manado can be
increased again in all its aspects. There should be a review of employee performance appraisal system based
Government Regulations No 46-year 2011 About assessment performance achievements of employees
because there were still some shortcomings in it. then to measure employee performance, We recommend
that you use team-based performance measurement because at the moment most of the work that is given to
employees is work done in teams, so hopefully the performance will be better achieved.
Keywords: Performance, Public Broadcasting Institution Radio Indonesia Republic

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