Implementasi Kebijakan Retribusi Parkir Dalam Menunjang Pendapatan Asli Daerah (Studi di Dinas Perhubungan, Kebudayaan, Pariwisata, Komunikasi dan Informasi Kota Kotamobagu)

Rahmat Labaeni, Jhonny Hanny Posumah, Masje Silija Pangkey


Abstract: Retribution is a source of revenue that is relied upon by the Government Kotamobagu, such as
parking fees consisting of a special levy parking lot (Regulation 2 of 2008) and levy a parking lot on the
edge of the public road (Regulation 6 of 2011). In connection with the study is to examine how the
implementation of policies in the parking levy increase revenue; and the extent to which the results of the
implementation of policies that parking fees in increasing PAD Kotamobagu. This research uses
qualitative descriptive method. Location of the study is the Department of Transportation, Culture,
Tourism, Communications and Information Kotamobagu City. Informants research as many as 12 people
consisting of: head office, secretarial services, head of the section heads, staff / implementers, head UPTD
Parking, and postal clerk parking. Instruments in this study is the researchers themselves, while collecting
data using interview techniques and assisted technical documentation. Data analysis was performed using
qualitative analysis interactive model of Miles and Hubernann. The results showed: (1) The process of
policy implementation parking fees in general are quite effective viewed from four important aspects of the
process of policy implementation as suggested by Edward III, namely: communication, resources,
disposition, and a bureaucratic structure. (2) Implementation of policies levies Parking quite effective
results seen from the realization of revenue targets and the development of revenues over the last five
years (2010 s / d in 2014). Results of parking fees were a major contribution levies a special parking place,
while for curbside parking space levy general is still relatively small. The research results provide the
conclusion that the implementation of parking charges policy has a significant support to the increasing
acceptance of PAD Kotamobagu. Based on the conclusions of the study put forward some suggestions as
follows: (1) All the important aspects for the implementation of policies retribuasi park, still needs to be
improved; (2) proceeds parking fees that have been achieved over the last few years can still be improved.
Keywords: policy implementation, the levy parker, And Local revenue

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